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Sunday, December 22, 2024

Bullish, just like

This is hilarious.  (Somehow missed it before.) 

Just like 2007, 2000, 1987…


Courtesy of Michael Panzner at Financial Armageddon 

To me, the following excerpt from a post at The Daily Bell, "Happy Days Are Here Again?" sums up the sort of thinking we’ve seen before — you know, in late-2007, early-2000, the summer of 1987…

It’s BULLISH No Matter What! …

The price of oil is rising – BULLISH! More profits for the energy companies, and more investments in "clean energy."

Most of the new jobs created in March were part-time or temporary – BULLISH! Since the economy has turned the corner full-time job offers are practically a sure thing.

But didn’t wages go down too? – BULLISH! Revenues – Costs = Profits!

41 states have revenue shortfalls – BULLISH! Various states have always complained about shortfalls. It’s another sign that things are getting back to normal.

8 million people are still unemployed – BULLISH! That’s 8 million spenders, not savers.

Interest rates are rising – BULLISH! Yet another sign that the economy is getting stronger.

Stocks may be going up but on very low volume – BULLISH! That means the "dumb money" hasn’t even bought into this rally yet.

People have a lot of concerns and uncertainty about the future – BULLISH! Not until the "wall of worry" ends will this party be over.

So much new liquidity will cause inflation – BULLISH! Stocks are one of the best hedges against inflation.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are bankrupting us – BULLISH! Don’t get mad, get even. Debit the Treasury and Credit the defense companies.

Inflation in China is picking up – BULLISH! That should dampen any bubbles that some people worry about.

Gold is going up in price – BULLISH! This is a broad-based rally.

Wait, maybe gold is going down – BULLISH! That means economic fears are dissipating.

Actually the gold price seems to be consolidating and moving sideways – BULLISH! A sell off or rally would mean things are overheating.

Iran seems determined to develop it’s nuclear program – BULLISH! More nuclear power plants means less demand on oil which means lower energy costs which means more profits.

Israel may be forced to handle Iran themselves militarily – BULLISH! That will kick-start the construction industry when we rebuild both sides.

The Health Insurance Reform bill is an abomination – BULLISH! If insurance premiums rise there will be subsidies; if doctors check out they’ll be replaced with cheap foreign ones; if care is rationed then costs will be controlled and profits ensured.

And now the student loan programs are nationalized – BULLISH! Good riddance for the banks. Now the government can garnish wages and lower the deficit.

The markets are being purposely manipulated with government money – BULLISH! What’s not to like? That means the market ain’t going down no matter what.

Big Media is spewing propaganda about the economy – BULLISH! Perception is reality. People only know what they’re taught. Advertising works.

Greece may default – BULLISH! Greek bond holders will make up their loses in the stock market.

Japan is a bug in search of a windshield – BULLISH! Just imagine how much more deficit spending we need to do to beat them.

The Euro is getting weaker – BULLISH! King dollar is back.

A $400+ trillion financial mine field of derivatives are set to go off – BULLISH! Let’s start the rumor that if the stock market tanks we’ll all be dead.

Click here to read the rest.

(Hat tip to Zero Hedge.)

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