This will be great for consumers!
The 20M people who were recently covered under the affordable care act will no longer get 75% of their insurance costs (average $1,000 per month, per couple) subsidized by the Government. Instead they will get an income tax credit of $3,500, which means they need to come up with the other $8,500 on their own. Of course, the tax credit doesn't do you much good if you are low-income and pay no taxes so the people who need help the most get no help at all under Trumps Unafforable Care Act.
This will not, however, just affect poor people covered by Obamacare, the low-cost option of Obamacare has kept all healthcare costs low as insurers have had to compete on price against the Government option (in states where there is one) but now that's out the window and the Private Health Care Companies can now charge whatever they want again – I'm sure it will be less, right?
They do still have to cover your pre-exisiting conditions but they get to charge you a 30% surcharge for having them. After all, it's your own damned fault if you get sick – God's will and all that. Older people can now be charged 5 times more than younger people under the same plan, another 66% increase on that little rule change.
On the bright side, the Top 1% get a 3.8% decrease on their investment income, a nasty surcharge Obama asked the wealthy to pay in order to drastically lower costs for the bottom 99%. Tanning beds will no longer be taxed, another cruel Obama charge aimed squarely at the rich and well-tanned (but please, NOT colored!).
While the proposed cuts will mean higher out-of-pocket costs for those who benefit from Obamacare’s subsidies, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) has proposed that they could make up some of the difference by not buying iPhones.
That, my friends, goes to the heart of the matter – the teardown of Obamacare will cost consumers roughly $170Bn per year and will cost states another $300Bn a year shouldering the burden of taking care of the uninsured, that $470Bn is 2.3% of our GDP and sure, most of that goes to Health Insurers and I'm sure they'll stop computerizing and create more jobs out of gratitude but it will come away from Discretionary Spending and that can reverse much of the economic progress (which Trump somehow takes credit for) that we've seen in the past few years.
And, of course, there's also the estimated 43,000 Americans a year who will DIE under the GOP health care plan due to lack of coverage. Those people too will not be able to consume at the pace they had when they were living, although it's quite a boom for funeral homes – if you are looking for a good way to profit from the misery of others (and isn't that why we voted for Trump in the first place?).
Perhaps, after the war on poverty is over and all the poor are defeated, they will build a wall in Washington to honor the hundreds of thousands who will lay down their lives so that their doctors can get the rosewood paneling with the custom leather package on their new cars. America is truly getting great again!
I never voted to exterminate people before – what's it like? Does it feel good knowing that the policies you voted for are being enacted and that "those people" will soon be kicked out of the system to live or die on their own merits, without you being forced to contribute to their life-saving medicine or care? Not only are we on the road to killing 4,000 Americans per month (like a new 9/11 every month that we do to ourselves) but we are HAPPILY (I guess) paying for a $54 BILLION build-up in military spending instead – and that's just this year – we haven't even declared war yet!
Well, we have declared war, it's a war on Poverty and the Rich are kicking their asses! We've got the poor on the run and we will not stop fighting until we roll back every single program that makes their lives easier and we will reverse every law that is meant to protect them and we cannot stop until they are ALL eliminated because the poor are many and we rich are few and if we're not thorough, the poor may realize this and start voting together – which is why we must also keep them at each others' throats – fighting over things that don't matter while we strip them of all that does – THAT is our path to VICTORY OVER THE POOR!!!
So great, so proud!