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New York
Monday, January 13, 2025

Wednesday Wrap-Up

The Fed has become "Wall Street's Bitch." Barry Ritholtz

Now that's funny (and, sadly, true).

"We have, in this country, one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board. This evil institution has impoverished the people of the United States and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it". — Congressman Louis T. McFadden in 1932 (Rep. Pa)

"The [Federal Reserve Act] as it stands seems to me to open the way to a vast inflation of the currency… I do not like to think that any law can be passed that will make it possible to submerge the gold standard in a flood of irredeemable paper currency." — Henry Cabot Lodge Sr., 1913

 "A great industrial nation is controlled by it's system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the world–no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men." — Woodrow Wilson

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs." — Thomas Jefferson

There was another drawdown in crude today, 3.2M barrels, that makes 15M barrels this month and the country is now has 48M barrels less oil (out of 1.71Bn) than it had last August.  That is to be expected because all but 28M barrels of the 420M barrels that were originally contracted for delivery to Cushing, OK on the September crude contract were cancelled before the contracts settled in August.  Cushing can usually handle about 40Mb of crude per month and this is the 3rd consecutive month it has been underutilized.

So stocks went up, oil prices went up, gold went up and tomorrow we hang our hats on how Goldman Sachs is doing.  With the country very obviously in shambles we are going to buy WMT and GM and, dare I say, XOM because Wilson's "small group of dominant men" are making money.  And how does GS make money?  By moving money around!  When there's more money to move, they make more money.  Perhaps that's why Goldman's stock is up 50% since their CEO became the US Treasury Secretary in May '06 (gee, who could have seen that coming?).

Despite my attempt to be bullish I am just too taken aback by a different kind of bull I'm seeing and I made a call to cash out on longer positions with stops yesterday.  Having just been very wrong about the Fed that was a difficult call to make but I really think we're due for a pullback and the danger of a poor report from 2 of 3 out of GS, BSC and FDX tomorrow outweighed the additional gains I felt we could make pre-expiration.

We did have a positive day and we did touch the levels I set in the morning (13,850 for the Dow, 2,675 for the Nas and 1,535 at the S&P) but we generally pulled back from 11:30 onwards, triggering many stops.

The good news is we figured out how to break the scam at the NYMEX.  Since they tend to leave as much as 100M barrels on order just days before settlement (that's today, by the way) and since 40M barrels is "a lot" for actual settlement.  All we need to do is buy 50M barrels AND ACTUALLY ACCEPT DELIVERY and we lock in a glut of oil for the following month.  Sure it will cost $4Bn to take the oil and sure you are killing the price (but if you're clever you will have already contracted them out for $5 under market so you "only" lose $200M) but imagine how much you can make shorting the energy sector!  Would that be wrong?

Gold gapped up and paused at $730 but looks well on it's way to testing it's non-inflation adjusted high of $800 while the dollar bounced off 79.5, pausing on it's way to 75, testing it's non-inflation adjusted low of ZERO (see chart above)!

Tomorrow is a very big day, this is the end of Q3, options expire, brokers report, oil is at an all-time high and we get the holiday retail sales report – I'm sure it will all be fine!





 Sale Price




10 SEP 30.00 $VIX CALL (VIXIF) 110 9/10  $    1,440 9/18  $     1,330 1209%
10 NOV 13.00 $VIX CALL (VIXKO) 1,410.00 2/8  $    7,690 9/18  $     6,280 445%
20 OCT 140.00 AAPL CALL (APVJH) 4,010.00 7/2  $  13,990 9/19  $     9,980 249%
10 JAN 150.00 AAPL CALL (WAAAJ) 33,360.00 9/6  $  42,090 9/19  $     8,730 26%
20 OCT 32.50 ABX CALL (ABXJZ) 4,510.00 8/3  $  14,030 9/19  $     9,520 211%
20 SEP 95.00 BA CALL (BAIS) 5,010.00 9/5  $    6,990 9/18  $     1,980 40%
10 SEP 260.00 BIDU PUT (BDUUV) 1,510.00 9/18  $       990 9/19  $       (520) -34%
10 SEP 250.00 BIDU PUT (BDUUJ) 2,760.00 9/18  $    3,290 9/18  $        530 19%
150 OCT 133.00 DIA PUT (DAWVC) 64,520.00 9/7  $  17,990 9/19  $  (46,530) -72%
50 OCT 133.00 DIA CALL (DAWJC) 20,260.00 9/12  $  32,490 9/19  $   12,230 60%
100 OCT 135.00 DIA PUT (DAWVE) 31,010.00 9/18  $  15,990 9/19  $  (15,020) -48%
100 SEP 134.00 DIA PUT (DAWUD) 510 9/18  $    9,990 9/19  $     9,480 1859%
100 SEP 134.00 DIA PUT (DAWUD) 510 9/18  $  12,990 9/19  $   12,480 2447%
150 OCT 134.00 DIA CALL (DAWJD) 57,030.00 9/14  $  86,210 9/19  $   29,180 51%
150 SEP 135.00 DIA PUT (DAWUE) 1,510.00 9/14  $  26,980 9/19  $   25,470 1687%
100 SEP 135.00 DIA PUT (DAWUE) 1,010.00 9/14  $  17,490 9/19  $   16,480 1632%
100 OCT 135.00 DIA PUT (DAWVE) 36,010.00 9/14  $  15,990 9/19  $  (20,020) -56%
400 SEP 134.00 DIA PUT (DAWUD) 2,010.00 9/18  $  51,990 9/19  $   49,980 2487%
100 OCT 131.00 DIA PUT (DAWVA) 36,010.00 9/7  $  19,490 9/18  $  (16,520) -46%
10 SEP 156.00 FXI CALL (FFPIZ) 3,510.00 9/14  $    3,790 9/18  $        280 8%
20 SEP 155.00 FXI CALL (FFPIY) 9,710.00 8/31  $  11,390 9/18  $     1,680 17%
40 JAN 37.50 GE CALL (GEAS) 5,410.00 2/27  $  20,590 9/19  $   15,180 281%
20 OCT 22.50 GG CALL (GGJX) 3,310.00 8/22  $  13,590 9/19  $   10,280 311%
10 SEP 25.00 GLW CALL (GLWIE) 60 9/12  $       740 9/19  $        680 1133%
20 SEP 35.00 GM PUT (GMUG) 1,010.00 9/17  $    2,790 9/19  $     1,780 176%
5 SEP 520.00 GOOG CALL (GOPIV) 13,510.00 9/4  $    6,125 9/19  $    (7,385) -55%
5 OCT 520.00 GOOG CALL (GOPJV) 8,225.00 6/20  $  18,990 9/19  $   10,765 131%
10 SEP 570.00 GOOG CALL (GOPIQ) 1,010.00 7/13  $       190 9/19  $       (820) -81%
10 SEP 530.00 GOOG CALL (GOPIW) 12,510.00 9/4  $    9,490 9/19  $    (3,020) -24%
10 SEP 540.00 GOOG CALL (GOPIX) 16,610.00 7/12  $    8,990 9/19  $    (7,620) -46%
10 SEP 530.00 GOOG CALL (GOPIW) 7,510.00 9/5  $    9,490 9/19  $     1,980 26%
10 SEP 520.00 GOOG CALL (GOPIV) 9,010.00 9/12  $    9,390 9/17  $        380 4%
10 SEP 520.00 GOOG CALL (GOPIV) 9,010.00 9/7  $    9,390 9/17  $        380 4%
10 OCT 195.00 GS CALL (GPYJS) 6,010.00 9/14  $  14,990 9/19  $     8,980 149%
20 OCT 195.00 GS CALL (GPYJS) 12,710.00 9/17  $  29,990 9/19  $   17,280 136%
40 OCT 195.00 GS CALL (GPYJS) 25,410.00 9/17  $  28,790 9/18  $     3,380 13%
10 SEP 77.00 IWM PUT (IOWUY) 80 9/14  $       120 9/19  $         40 50%
20 DEC 50.00 KWK CALL (KWKLJ) 210 7/31  $    4,890 9/19  $     4,680 2229%
20 SEP 120.00 LVS PUT (LVSUU) 510 9/14  $    1,590 9/19  $     1,080 212%
50 OCT 55.00 MCD CALL (MCDJK) 7,260.00 9/17  $    9,340 9/19  $     2,080 29%
10 SEP 130.00 NMX CALL (NMXIF) 510 9/12  $    4,990 9/17  $     4,480 878%
30 SEP 185.00 OIH CALL (ODLIQ) 5,110.00 9/13  $  11,240 9/18  $     6,130 120%
40 SEP 86.63 RIMM CALL (RFYIW) 7,420.00 9/13  $  11,990 9/17  $     4,570 62%
30 SEP 95.00 SU PUT (SUUS) 3,010.00 9/12  $    9,890 9/19  $     6,880 229%
20 SEP 40.00 T CALL (TIH) 2,210.00 8/28  $    1,790 9/19  $       (420) -19%
60 SEP 30.00 TIE CALL (TIEIF) 9,910.00 6/28  $  16,790 9/19  $     6,880 69%
15 SEP 140.00 WYNN PUT (UWYUX) 760 9/14  $    1,415 9/19  $        655 86%
10 JAN 100.00 X CALL (XAT) 5,510.00 9/14  $  11,740 9/19  $     6,230 113%
10 SEP 95.00 X CALL (XIS) 2,460.00 9/6  $    4,090 9/18  $     1,630 66%
30 SEP 90.00 XOM PUT (XOMUR) 310 9/12  $    2,390 9/19  $     2,080 671%







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