-1.7 C
New York
Saturday, January 11, 2025

Weekly Wrap-Up

I am starting to LOVE this market!

Now I know what all the fun is about in China – these wild swings are a trader's paradise and it's been a busy, but rewarding, couple of weeks.  Practicing our best James Bond investing techniques we went long, we hedged down, we went short, we hedged up, we went long, hedging down again and then we went short.  Then it was Tuesday!  

We are embracing the insanity of the market, enjoying the fiscal buffoonery practiced by our leaders and dancing to the manipulated tune of the commodity markets – pure bliss! 

This is how the rich get richer in America folks, turn the system into a parlor game that the average person can't afford to stay in, forcing them to walk away with half their money (if they're lucky) until the next time the "institutional investors" need fresh cannon fodder to line their pockets.  Mixing metaphors?  Sure I am but what the hell, may as well throw all the rules out the window along with the economic ones that have already fallen by the wayside.

We've decided not to complain about it as, not only does it get us nowhere, but it makes us miss the party.  This poor guy made a great point about how ridiculous values for top stocks were in October of 1997.  He makes an excellent point but, as I've said before, while he was bellyaching about the stocks, the market went up another 50% before finally heading back to his top call only in September of 2003!  So we've decided to rock on and toast the Plunge Protection Team for as long as they can keep it up (no Viagra jokes please) as we party like it's January 11th 2000 (one week before the crash). 

I will continue to point out the true economic picture as it unfolds and, unfortunately, it's very depressing but keeping our wits about us even as we enjoy the party is the difference between waking up in the morning with a slight hangover or waking up stripped naked in an ally with your eyebrows shaved off.  Last weekend we decided 2 things;  Thing 1 was that we could spot a correction well in advanceThing 2 was that we would get a little more aggressive AND hedge a little more.

I'm happy to report both strategies paid off this week already!

Last week's drop allowed us to take a lot of callers off the table and a series of good directional calls this week allowed us to make a lot of positive moves that gave us our best week in the Long-Term Virtual Portfolio all year.  The Short-Term Virtual Portfolio also had another great week as BIDU and the DIA simply danced for us and we played a lot of the earnings calls perfectly.

We followed the same basic rules as last week's mattress plays and the market was kind enough to reward us with 5 200 point moves in 5 days.  Nothing can be better for buyers or sellers of options, as long as we're on the right side of course!  Sticking to our 70:30 strategy made it much easier to flip-flop with the market and we got really good turn signals this week but we made it back to 75% cash ahead of the Fed as that's getting just a little too crazy to call!  As I pointed out in last weekend's closing commentary: "That drop, as expected, hurt our Long-Term virtual portfolio and we need to be very careful there, as the huge increase in the VIX has made our remaining positions look more profitable than they actually are so we need to either cover or simply take bullish plays off the table if we get a lot of follow-through to the downside.  Of course, the STP got a huge benefit as that’s where we cover the LTP with our index puts while the other virtual portfolios are meant to stand on their own."

Buying out all those callers without replacing them (and stopping out on others) was the key to the LTP's success as the market began the week with a 200-point up day.  I started off Monday morning reminding members that our mattress plays work both ways and we anticipated another round of Fed mania, although it took until Wednesday afternoon to, as Cramer would put it, "foment."  Monday evening we got tech earnings that were as good as it gets (until we saw MSFT that is) from Apple and that gave us our long-desired Nasdaq rally.  Although I complained that we got "caught short" on Monday with our callers, we wisely held onto them through Tuesday, when I warned that we should not be led into temptation by what was looking like a hollow rise.

Our best call of the week was to go robotic and just react to our levels which, fortunately, were pretty much on target.  As I said on Monday: "I don’t put much stock in this rally until we really start retaking some levels.  I want to see 13,800 on the Dow with 13,600 not even a bounce off Friday’s drop and 13,700 being "progress" at best.  The Nasdaq needs to lead us to the promised land at 2,775 but we’ll take 2,760 if they can hold it for the day but the S&P has a long way to go to get back over the 1,520 mark, otherwise we’re probably not going anywhere.  After 1,520, each 10 points should make us about 10% more bullish, assuming we’re starting at 60% bullish."

Tuesday evening, despite the 45-point Nasdaq gain we took profits and shorted into the close as I saw several risks in the day ahead but it was poor Amazon that got blamed for the sell-off the next day, that dropped the Nasdaq all the way back to 2,720 (from 2,800) before bouncing back halfway to 2,760.  Tuesday night I said: "We’ll see how much these things really matter tomorrow but I’m sure glad about my index puts, despite the "rally."   Wednesday morning analysts were "stunned" by MER's shocking earnings report although I certainly hope none of my readers were as we've been warning about this for months.  Although we took scary bounces off our Big Chart levels, we held them at each day's end, giving us the signal to stay fairly bullish.

Wednesday was, as foretold, the wildest day of the week and the chart even formed a "W," just so there could be no doubts!  Luckily our market cynicism was turned towards the sell-offs, rather than the rallies and we called a dead bottom during the day and jumped back on the crazy train to 13,800 but not, of course, before yet another 200-point pullback on what I called Thrill a Minute Thursday morning.  We already had our Dow strangle in place by then and we cashed in on both ends on the same day – it doesn't get much better than that unless you also buy low and sell high for a new strangle, which we did! 

Now that we're getting the hang of this nonsense it was obvious that the worst durable goods report in 5 years and sanctions levied against Iran would cause a rally and we stayed in robot investing mode as I said: "We’re going to take the Nasdaq seriously if it pops from here and, of course, without the SOX and S&P coming back we could care less what the Dow does.  Let’s keep an eye on gold at $775 and oil as it goes for $90 as the White House just gave them the perfect top-spin for it.  We’re already in SLB from yesterday but let’s keep an eye on XOM and others who may be ready to fly.  XOM $95s are always fun mo plays. Be careful out there, we could fall today as quickly as we rose yesterday!

Oil did break $90 on Thursday and you know things are bad when I have to play XOM to the upside (but we took the money and ran Friday morning).  We picked both MSFT and YHOO that day as well as several other good performers, finishing the week with 5 positons that doubled during the same week we bought them! 

By Friday morning we were in full-scale Fed rally mode but we nailed it on the head Wednesday, when we decided we were very likely to get a repeat of last month's irrational exuberance over an economy that's so bad that the Fed is willing to allow inflation to spin out of control to stave off a collapse of the credit sector.  Woopie!

As I said, it was another spectacular week for the Short-Term Virtual Portfolio, which bounced from 1,059% to 1,194% as each 10% gain off our current base now adds another 120% to the year's total.  As with the Long-Term Virtual Portfolio, it was the total annihilation of our putters and callers that gave us a huge bonus as we had close to $2M in premiums sold that got the life squeezed out of them (a pain I'm sure many short-term option holders felt last week!).  We are left with a not too-terrible 57 open positions with 20 naked puts and 9 naked calls. 

Of course, I've gotten much more free with positions as the year has moved on, not that I'm taking more risks but the simple fact that we have 80 BIDU Dec $330s at $380,800 covered by 80 Nov $360s at $153,600 (all premium) and 40 GOOG Mar $640s (that began their lives as Jan $570s back in September) at $303,200 covered by Nov $640s at $161,600 (just $23,200 in premium left there but lots of time to roll!) means a 20% gain on just these two would be a 25% increase against our starting basis of $400K.  The numbers are getting silly and I will be resetting the Short-Term Virtual Portfolio on Jan 1 so any member with $500K can play along at home!

Stock Options HedgingThe Long-Term Virtual Portfolio, by nature, is difficult to reset and had, by far, its best week of the year with a 44% gain to 301%.  All in all there was not a lot of movement, mainly a snap-back from last week's sub-par performance.  We have just one runaway position in this more conservative virtual portfolio, the AAPL Apr $175s, which were a very timely roll from our Jan $150s that were too deep in the money (along with the callers) to play earnings.  We took a huge loss on the $150 callers but it all worked out very nicely in the end!  The remaining 41 positions are a sea of green and this virtual portfolio is just 48% cash and has a lot more exposure than usual as last time we were way overhedged going into the Fed and this time we're letting the STP do our dirty work with index puts while we leave 24 long positions naked.

This does leave us vulnerable to a severe drop if it happens to quickly to react to so our outsized gains for this week should be viewed as temporary until we can move to better-hedged positions!

The Q4 $10KP had a lucky week.  Had we not added the YHOO Jan $32.50s, we could have been badly damaged.  Just because we were way ahead was no reason to take additional risks and I'll be concentrating on safer plays as we move towards expiration week.  As it was, we gained 9% for the week, finishing with $17,513 but we need to free up more cash (just 11%) in order to stay flexible and, unfortunately, that's our Yahoo calls ($7,100).

The Q4 $25KP had the same YHOO play PLUS MSFT, who could ask for anything more?  We have 22 positions and are cash-shy here as well (13%) as it took a lot of moving this week to stay on top of things.  We'll have to cash YHOO here too in order to have capital to improve our other positions.  On the whole, we are up 80% at $44,954.

As I mentioned earlier, we gained another 5% on the Dow Virtual Portfolio, closing that one out at $130,075 (up 30%)due to lack of interest.  The problem is we didn't select all of those companies because we liked them or because the timing was right, we just selected 30 Dow stocks on a certain day and made the best plays we could on each one – that's not a very good basis for a virtual portfolio is it?  Kind of makes you realize how silly ETFs are…

Our Happy 100 Virtual Portfolio continues to have some bad luck but we've squeezed 3% out of it so far.  Our HXL covers are hurting us right now as that stock took off the same day we gave up on it and sold the $22.50s.  IBM fell harder than we thought and we're glad we covered these but IMCL and AMGN both gave back considerable gains last week.  Thank goodness this virtual portfolio still has plenty of cash (77%), hopefully we'll find a couple of good plays next week if we get a nice Fed rally!

Our Stocks Virtual Portfolio is plodding along, gaining 4% on the week thanks to our gold plays and a timely entry on FNF (still uncovered).  This virtual portfolio is up 48% for the year and is fairly committed at 29% cash.

Complex Spreads (aka the AAPL/GOOG virtual portfolio!) posted a 27% gain for the week, now up 532% for the year as AAPL and GOOG continue to lead us to the promised land but they are actually fairly hedged and it was our naked YHOO and GS calls that gave us most of our gains (we got rid of GS).  There are just 13 open positions remaining in this virtual portfolio, which is  63% cash.

Overall we closed 109 positions for an average gain of 90%.  We took a few huge hits getting rid of Apple callers, but it was worth it as Apple kept going up and we were able to realize the additional gains.  The DIAs were very, very good to us but and our XOM puts going from way behind to way ahead was a game changer for the virtual portfolio, especially on our very heavy Jan '08 $95 puts that we took the money and ran with on Monday:




 Sale Price




160 NOV 07 185.00 AAPL CALL (APVKQ)  $  92,010 10/23  $131,990 10/24  $   39,980 44%
60 APR 08 175.00 AAPL CALL (APVDO)  $  68,420 7/25  $175,480 10/24  $ 107,060 157%
20 NOV 07 180.00 AAPL CALL (APVKP)  $  16,010 10/23  $  21,990 10/24  $     5,980 37%
10 NOV 07 165.00 AAPL CALL (APVKM)  $  22,010 9/28  $    1,990 10/23  $  (20,020) -91%
60 JAN 150.00 AAPL CALL (APVAJ)  $100,810 9/28  $239,990 10/23  $ 139,180 138%
60 NOV 150.00 AAPL CALL (APVKJ)  $210,010 9/19  $  54,590 10/23  $(155,420) -74%
160 NOV 07 170.00 AAPL CALL (APVKN)  $278,100 9/21  $  27,500 10/23  $(250,600) -90%
20 NOV 155.00 AAPL CALL (APVKK)  $  60,010 9/21  $  13,490 10/23  $  (46,520) -78%
20 NOV 155.00 AAPL CALL (APVKK)  $  60,010 9/21  $  13,490 10/23  $  (46,520) -78%
20 JAN 140.00 AAPL CALL (WAAAH)  $  72,730 9/6  $151,330 10/23  $   78,600 108%
20 NOV 07 90.00 AMZN CALL (ZQNKR)  $    4,010 10/24  $    6,390 10/26  $     2,380 59%
10 NOV 07 90.00 AMZN PUT (ZQNWR)  $    5,810 10/22  $    6,990 10/24  $     1,180 20%
10 NOV 07 100.00 AMZN CALL (ZQNKY)  $      710 10/22  $    3,190 10/24  $     2,480 349%
70 NOV 07 15.00 AUY CALL (AUYKC)  $    1,760 10/19  $    3,850 10/23  $     2,090 119%
10 NOV 07 135.00 BEN PUT (BEHWG)  $    3,910 10/26  $    7,990 10/26  $     4,080 104%
80 NOV 340.00 BIDU CALL (BDUKG)  $192,010 9/17  $175,430 10/26  $  (16,580) -9%
5 NOV 07 300.00 BIDU PUT (BDUWZ)  $    5,635 10/22  $    7,240 10/25  $     1,605 29%
20 NOV 07 300.00 BIDU PUT (BDUWZ)  $  22,010 10/11  $  79,990 10/24  $   57,980 263%
40 NOV 07 120.00 BSC CALL (BSCKD)  $    7,010 10/16  $  35,990 10/26  $   28,980 413%
80 NOV 07 50.00 BTU PUT (BTUWJ)  $    8,890 10/9  $  10,390 10/24  $     1,500 17%
40 NOV 07 50.00 BTU PUT (BTUWJ)  $    5,610 10/10  $    5,190 10/24  $       (420) -8%
20 NOV 07 105.00 BXP PUT (BXPWA)  $    2,810 10/4  $    6,290 10/24  $     3,480 124%
20 NOV 07 42.50 C CALL (CKV)  $    1,710 10/19  $    3,990 10/25  $     2,280 133%
40 JAN 08 85.00 CAT CALL (CATAQ)  $    4,810 9/7  $    4,790 10/24  $        (20) 0%
10 NOV 07 65.00 CELG CALL (LQHKM)  $    1,260 10/26  $    1,240 10/25  $        (20) -2%
10 DEC 07 630.00 CME CALL (CWOLF)  $  25,260 10/23  $  50,090 10/24  $   24,830 98%
10 NOV 07 620.00 CME CALL (CWOKD)  $  32,510 10/22  $  21,990 10/24  $  (10,520) -32%
20 NOV 07 640.00 CME PUT (CWOWH)  $  23,010 10/24  $  30,790 10/24  $     7,780 34%
100 NOV 07 85.00 COP CALL (COPKQ)  $  15,010 10/22  $  17,990 10/23  $     2,980 20%
20 NOV 07 70.00 CROX CALL (CQJKN)  $    6,610 10/19  $  10,990 10/26  $     4,380 66%
10 JAN 10 60.00 CROX CALL (LYPAL)  $  13,510 8/21  $  28,590 10/26  $   15,080 112%
100 NOV 07 30.00 CSCO CALL (CYQKF)  $  23,210 10/12  $  24,990 10/26  $     1,780 8%
150 NOV 07 136.00 DIA PUT (DAZWF)  $  33,010 10/24  $  39,590 10/25  $     6,580 20%
75 NOV 07 137.00 DIA CALL (DAZKG)  $  15,010 10/24  $  18,740 10/25  $     3,730 25%
300 NOV 07 136.00 DIA PUT (DAZWF)  $  72,010 10/24  $  71,990 10/24  $        (20) 0%
350 NOV 07 135.00 DIA PUT (DAWWE)  $  68,260 10/19  $  96,240 10/24  $   27,980 41%
150 NOV 07 136.00 DIA CALL (DAZKF)  $  32,710 10/24  $  43,190 10/24  $   10,480 32%
150 NOV 07 142.00 DIA PUT (DAZWL)  $  95,260 9/7  $  95,990 10/24  $        730 1%
75 NOV 07 133.00 DIA PUT (DAWWC)  $  13,135 10/24  $  15,365 10/24  $     2,230 17%
75 NOV 07 134.00 DIA PUT (DAWWD)  $  14,635 10/24  $  17,990 10/24  $     3,355 23%
150 NOV 07 135.00 DIA PUT (DAWWE)  $  30,460 10/24  $  41,240 10/24  $   10,780 35%
50 NOV 141.00 DIA PUT (DAZWK)  $  16,760 9/27  $  28,990 10/24  $   12,230 73%
50 NOV 07 142.00 DIA PUT (DAZWL)  $  31,760 9/7  $  36,740 10/22  $     4,980 16%
50 NOV 07 135.00 DIA PUT (DAWWE)  $  12,010 10/19  $  13,740 10/22  $     1,730 14%
150 NOV 07 134.00 DIA PUT (DAWWD)  $  26,570 10/19  $  43,930 10/22  $   17,360 65%
300 NOV 07 137.00 DIA PUT (DAZWG)  $  48,660 10/19  $122,940 10/22  $   74,280 153%
50 NOV 141.00 DIA PUT (DAZWK)  $  16,760 9/27  $  33,240 10/22  $   16,480 98%
10 NOV 07 115.00 DRYS PUT (DQRWY)  $    5,160 10/22  $    5,290 10/23  $        130 3%
5 DEC 07 130.00 FSLR CALL (QHBLZ)   $    2,785 9/12  $  14,990 10/26  $   12,205 438%
20 DEC 07 130.00 FSLR CALL (QHBLZ)  $  11,110 9/12  $  57,990 10/23  $   46,880 422%
20 NOV 07 179.00 FXI PUT (FVUWW)  $    6,210 10/17  $    5,390 10/23  $       (820) -13%
5 JAN 43.00 GDX CALL (XACAQ)  $    1,160 4/11  $    5,040 10/25  $     3,880 335%
20 NOV 07 48.00 GDX CALL (GDXKV)  $    2,410 10/19  $    3,710 10/24  $     1,300 54%
40 JAN 08 220.00 GS CALL (GPYAD)  $  26,010 9/14  $107,990 10/26  $   81,980 315%
20 JAN 08 230.00 GS CALL (GPYAF)  $    3,410 9/19  $  39,990 10/26  $   36,580 1073%
40 NOV 07 220.00 GS CALL (GPYKD)  $  36,010 10/19  $  45,990 10/24  $     9,980 28%
10 JAN 08 52.50 GSK CALL (GSKAX)  $    1,600 10/22  $    2,100 10/23  $        500 31%
50 NOV 07 115.00 IBM CALL (IBMKC)  $    6,010 10/15  $  10,490 10/24  $     4,480 75%
20 NOV 07 120.00 LVS PUT (LVSWU)  $    6,010 10/22  $  10,800 10/26  $     4,790 80%
20 NOV 07 125.00 LVS PUT (LVSWV)  $    6,010 10/19  $    5,990 10/26  $        (20) 0%
5 NOV 07 125.00 LVS PUT (LVSWV)  $    1,385 10/19  $    3,740 10/26  $     2,355 170%
20 NOV 07 30.00 M CALL (MKF)  $    3,810 10/19  $    3,390 10/23  $       (420) -11%
10 NOV 07 45.00 MCO CALL (MCOKI)  $    1,010 9/7  $    1,540 10/26  $        530 53%
20 NOV 07 47.50 MDT CALL (MDTKW)  $    2,110 10/23  $    2,990 10/24  $        880 42%
10 NOV 07 90.00 MON CALL (MONKU)  $    2,510 10/16  $    4,490 10/25  $     1,980 79%
50 NOV 07 19.00 MOT CALL (MOTKT)  $    3,510 10/19  $    3,990 10/26  $        480 14%
3000 METALLICA RESOURCES (MRB)  $  15,610 10/19  $  16,040 10/25  $        430 3%
10 JAN 17.50 MRVL CALL (OZLAW)  $    1,660 5/24  $    3,490 10/25  $     1,830 110%
10 JAN 17.50 MRVL CALL (OZLAW)  $    1,660 5/24  $    3,590 10/24  $     1,930 116%
10 APR 30.00 MSFT CALL (MSQDK)  $    1,810 9/24  $    6,490 10/26  $     4,680 259%
10 DEC 07 32.50 MSFT CALL (MSQLZ)  $    3,260 10/25  $    1,040 10/26  $    (2,220) -68%
10 NOV 07 30.00 MSFT CALL (MSQKK)  $    2,010 10/19  $    1,090 10/25  $       (920) -46%
5 NOV 07 100.00 MTB CALL (MTBKT)  $    1,535 10/2  $    1,490 10/26  $        (45) -3%
30 NOV 07 47.50 NEM CALL (NEMKW)  $    3,250 9/28  $    5,540 10/26  $     2,290 71%
16 NOV 07 85.00 NYX CALL (NYXKQ)  $    7,210 9/24  $    4,790 10/23  $    (2,420) -34%
20 NOV 07 27.50 OXPS CALL (QYBKY)  $    1,810 9/21  $    1,590 10/24  $       (220) -12%
10 NOV 07 30.00 OXPS CALL (QYBKF)  $      540 10/12  $       340 10/24  $       (200) -37%
10 NOV 07 30.00 OXPS CALL (QYBKF)  $      540 10/12  $       690 10/23  $        150 28%
10 NOV 07 30.00 OXPS CALL (QYBKF)  $      530 10/12  $       690 10/23  $        160 30%
10 NOV 07 30.00 OXPS CALL (QYBKF)  $      530 10/12  $       340 10/23  $       (190) -36%
20 NOV 07 50.00 PNRA CALL (UPAKJ)  $      410 10/23  $       590 10/23  $        180 44%
10 JAN 08 110.00 POT CALL (PYPAB)  $    7,510 10/25  $  13,990 10/25  $     6,480 86%
10 JAN 08 105.00 POT CALL (PYPAA)  $  11,210 10/25  $  15,990 10/25  $     4,780 43%
20 NOV 07 220.00 PTR PUT (DZAWD)  $  14,010 10/17  $  14,990 10/24  $        980 7%
10 DEC 07 200.00 PTR PUT (PTRXW)  $  10,660 10/11  $  11,040 10/22  $        380 4%
100 NOV 07 52.00 QQQQ PUT (QQQWZ)  $    5,710 10/22  $  12,490 10/26  $     6,780 119%
100 NOV 07 105.00 SLB CALL (SDBKA)  $  17,510 10/24  $  14,990 10/25  $    (2,520) -14%
10 NOV 07 110.00 SPWR CALL (QSUKB)  $    4,260 10/25  $    9,490 10/26  $     5,230 123%
20 NOV 07 110.00 SPWR CALL (QSUKB)  $    9,010 10/24  $  12,990 10/25  $     3,980 44%
50 NOV 07 20.00 TASR CALL (QURKD)  $    1,510 10/9  $    1,740 10/24  $        230 15%
30 JAN 08 35.00 TIE CALL (TIEAG)  $    6,160 10/24  $  10,490 10/26  $     4,330 70%
10 NOV 07 50.00 TSO PUT (TSOWJ)  $      110 10/10  $    1,990 10/26  $     1,880 1709%
10 NOV 07 50.00 TSO PUT (TSOWJ)  $        60 10/10  $        40 10/26  $        (20) -33%
20 NOV 07 50.00 TSO PUT (TSOWJ)  $    3,010 10/10  $    3,490 10/23  $        480 16%
20 NOV 07 35.00 TXN CALL (TXNKG)  $      110 10/12  $    1,190 10/26  $     1,080 982%
15 NOV 07 80.00 UTX CALL (UTXKP)  $      310 10/16  $       365 10/26  $         55 18%
50 NOV 07 75.00 VLO PUT (ZPYWO)  $  13,510 10/26  $  18,740 10/26  $     5,230 39%
20 NOV 07 70.00 VLO CALL (ZPYKN)  $    4,610 10/9  $    8,490 10/24  $     3,880 84%
10 NOV 07 65.00 WFR CALL (WFRKM)  $    4,010 10/15  $    2,990 10/26  $    (1,020) -25%
20 NOV 07 65.00 WFR CALL (WFRKM)  $    8,010 10/15  $    5,990 10/26  $    (2,020) -25%
20 NOV 07 45.00 WMT CALL (WMTKI)  $    1,410 9/10  $    2,190 10/25  $        780 55%
50 NOV 07 90.00 XOM PUT (XOMWR)  $    7,510 10/23  $    9,990 10/26  $     2,480 33%
200 NOV 07 90.00 XOM PUT (XOMWR)  $  38,010 10/22  $  37,990 10/23  $        (20) 0%
100 NOV 07 95.00 XOM PUT (XOMWS)  $  31,010 10/12  $  59,990 10/22  $   28,980 94%
200 JAN 08 95.00 XOM PUT (XOMMS)  $108,810 8/3  $145,990 10/22  $   37,180 34%
10 JAN 27.50 YHOO CALL (VYHAY)  $    4,360 5/17  $    9,490 10/26  $     5,130 118%
20 NOV 07 32.50 YHOO CALL (YHQKZ)  $    2,410 10/23  $    1,790 10/26  $       (620) -26%
20 NOV 07 32.50 YHOO CALL (YHQKZ)  $    2,410 10/23  $    1,790 10/26  $       (620) -26%



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