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The Eight Beliefs of Successful Traders
Courtesy of Dr Janice Dorn at Minyanville
Editor’s Note: For those interested in both winners and losers, the 8 beliefs of unsuccessful traders can be found here.
One bright day in the middle of night, 2 dead boys rose to fight. Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot one another. A deaf policeman heard the noise, and saved the lives of the 2 dead boys. If you don’t believe this lie is true, ask the blind man, he saw it too.
-Author Unknown
We’re hard-wired to believe — and to hold on to our convictions — often in the face of contradictory evidence. In life outside the markets, this may actually be a source of strength. However, it doesn’t usually serve a trader well. One of the most important questions for the trader to ask every day is: What do I believe that’s not true?
So how do we know the truth? The markets tell us. It really is that simple — and yet, it’s so difficult for most to accept and practice on a daily basis.
It’s important for traders to be able to assess their beliefs regularly, because — at any given market moment — they’re a composite of those principles. Fortunately (for some) and frustratingly (for others), beliefs about the markets are fungible and fluid; they can change from minute to minute.
The successful trader is in the flexible flow with this — and changes accordingly.
Beliefs of Successful Traders
1. The markets provide a constant stream of opportunities.
2. If I miss an opportunity, another will come along.
3. If my position is stopped out, the hypothesis that got me into the trade was incorrect.
4. I take one trade at a time, and stay in the moment with it.
5. I strive for excellence, not perfection.
6. I maximize profits by losing small.
7. I am not my trade.
8. I take complete responsibility for my thoughts, feelings, and actions in the markets.