10.5 C
New York
Friday, March 28, 2025

Big Blah (CPI)

Big Blah (CPI)

Courtesy of Karl Denninger at The Market Ticker

Oil can and graph with American dollar

From the Bullcrap Lie Society (BLS) of our government this morning:

On a seasonally adjusted basis, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.4 percent in November, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months the index increased 1.8 percent before seasonal adjustment, the first positive 12-month change since February 2009.

Most of the change was due to energy; gasoline was up sharply (as we saw yesterday in the PPI.)

Core was a literal zero.

Food was up a bit, but I continued to be puzzled by the difference between gasoline and "fuel oil."

Why?  Because "fuel oil" (that is, heating oil) is exactly the same thing as #2 diesel – that is, road diesel fuel.  The only difference is the tax (and the presence of dye in the heating oil to denote that the tax has not been paid.)  But for the legal (tax) issues you can run "heating oil" in your diesel car or truck, and vice-versa – they are identical products.

Used vehicles were also up materially – a reflection of the distortion from "cash for clunkers" still present in the data (it hit its maximum in October at +3.4%)  Prices for new vehicles were also up (again, the maximum was in October) – again denoting the "back-door" bailout of the automakers from cash-for-clunkers.  Unlike the new vehicle deal however, which you got a tax credit for, the buyer of a used car just got plain old-fashioned screwed through price-jacking caused by constraints in supply.  (Just wait though – in the new year when people can’t make the payments on those CFC deals, you’ll see what happens to used car prices…. supply and demand you know.. )

Medical care was up as usual (gee, how come it keeps rising faster than overall inflation?) and shelter costs were down (remember, this is not "housing", as that would expose reality – it is "owners equivalent rent")

All in all a blah report – but given the PPI that’s expected – the fun and games in the CPI report resulting from yesterday’s PPI should show up in a month or two.


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