Buying the "Must Own" Stocks for Year End
Courtesy of RobotTrader at Zero Hedge
Happens every year end. The fund managers dress up their portfolios with the "must own" stocks for the year end statement print in order to avoid getting sacked for picking the wrong plays in 2009.
Other than staring at Amanda Drury’s cleavage today, there was not a whole lot happening today. Except to watch the mad dash into the bell, buying GOOG, AAPL, PCLN, etc.
Biggest winner 5 the last years:
And don’t forget the "sacred sector", the one that has avoided any and all corrections this year and has been chosen as the designated "safe haven": REITs.
Led my none other than the shopping mall REITs with high exposure to Southern California:
Other than that, just watching and waiting for this to break one way or another:
Here is Amanda this morning: