For whatever articles I don’t pick up on the GS fraud charges, The Reformed Broker Joshua M Brown is compiling a helpful list. – Ilene
SEC v Goldman Links Roundup
From the WSJ:
Goldman Sachs tumbled 14% after the SEC charged the company and one of its vice presidents for defrauding investors "by misstating and omitting key facts about a financial product tied to subprime mortgages," the SEC said in a press release. The commission said Goldman Sachs failed to disclose vital information about a synthetic collateralized debt obligation, including the role that a major hedge fund played in selecting the portfolio, despite the fact that the investor had taken a short position against the mortgage market.
A major story, I’m just going to add links below throughout the day that I feel add interesting details and angles on it…
Bill Singer: SEC Depicts Defendants as Financial Suicide Bombers (BrokeAndBroker)
Paul La Monica: 3 Cheers for the SEC (CNN Money)
David Weidner Weighs In On The ‘Faulty Brakes’ Argument (Market Watch)
Goldman’s Abacus Lies (Felix Salmon)