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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Hugh Hendry Interview With King World News: “If Inflation Is A Monetary Phenomenon, Hyperinflation Is A Political Phenomenon”

Hugh Hendry Interview With King World News: "If Inflation Is A Monetary Phenomenon, Hyperinflation Is A Political Phenomenon"

Courtesy of Tyler Durden

hugh hendryIn which we learn that that outspoken iconoclast has now taken on a $2 billion short position in Japanese credit, although presumably not cash-based as Ecclectica is well under that in AUM. For those who wish to recreate this position synthetically, we refer you to Dylan Grice’s ATM swaption in the 10Y10Y forward which is the cheapest way to follow in Hugh’s footsteps, and, ahem, may we remind you of Takefuji’s recent bankruptcy…).

His bet is in essence a gamble against the "China will never fail" bandwagon: "I am just intrigued as to the optionality, as to the profits that could be made, should that revert. And because it’s deemed to be impossible, the trade is actually asymmetric. By golly if I am right, I can make a lot of money." Another topic is the already much discussed malinvestment in China, which was the centerpiece of the argument between Hendry and Faber from some time ago (link for clip). But back to what actual things Hugh is doing, he gives the following specifics: "I am shorting 10 year industrial corporate debt with 1% yield. Should this ricochet, which began in America, should the west be grappling with fears of recession, it goes to Asia, it goes to China, and I do not believe they have the vitality and consumption to pull the global economy out." And just in case there is any doubt how Hendry views the endgame, here it is: "At these immense levels of yen strength, Japan is bankrupt. And when it’s bankrupt it has given up hope, and there is huge political legitimacy to then do quantitative easing, which leads to the debauchery of the system." In other words: the nuclear response of monetary debasement is certainly coming. We won’t spoil what Hendry says on gold (suffice to add the following quote: "We will see a joint meltup in US Treasrys and gold") – for his insights on where the metal will go, for a shoutout to all Zero Hedge Hugh Hendry fans, and for much more, listen to the whole interview.

Full King World News interview.

And for those who may have missed it the first time around, here is arguably the most succinct and comprehensive interview with Hugh from earlier this year, titled "I would recommend you panic." Slowly, his advice is being taken by every central banker in the world.

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