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Saturday, March 15, 2025

This is the Remix: Classic Wall Street Quotations for 2010

Very funny, don’t miss these… I know, I know, can’t seem to get off Joshua’s site. – Ilene 

This is the Remix: Classic Wall Street Quotations for 2010

Courtesy of Joshua M Brown, The Reformed Broker 

Soros, Buffett, Templeton, Livermore, Rothschild – This is the remix.  I’ve updated their classic quotations for the modern investment world.  Vote for your favorites below…Enjoy!

“We simply attempt to be greedy when others are fearful and to make others fearful when we do not have enough long positions on our sheets.” – Warren Buffett[George-Soros_Dr-Evil.jpg]

“Capital goes to where it can escape taxation and be used to pay employees in sacks of rice." –Walter Wriston

“Stock market bubbles don’t grow out of thin air. They have a solid basis in the creation and marketing of ETFs.” – George Soros

“It takes 150 years to build an investment bank and only five minutes to convince you to sell me preferred stock in it at a 10% interest rate.” – Warren Buffett

"The four most dangerous words in investing are ‘It’s the Lightning Round!’". – Sir John Templeton

“Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market had a Flash Crash.” –Warren Buffett

“Markets can remain irrational longer than you can pretend that Treasuries yielding a half a percent are a safe buy.” – John Maynard Keynes

“History has not dealt kindly with the aftermath of protracted periods of my policies” – Alan Greenspan

“Obviously the thing to do was to be bullish in a bull market and bearish in a bear market and a renter in the housing market and open-minded to exotic sh*t at Jean-Georges’ Spice Market.” –Jesse Livermore

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not how much it owes China.” – Mayer Amschel Rothschild

"Man looks in the abyss, there’s nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man gets a text message, an eFax and two Twitter DMs.  And by the time he’s updating his Facebook status and feeding his virtual farm animals, he has no idea what ‘abyss’ you’re talking about.” – Lou Mannheim, Wall Street

“How do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values?  How about around 2007 when I was walking around with a crown and a scepter, spraying Crystal on chicks in the VIP room. I was probably a little irrationally exuberant right around then, holmes.” – Alan Greenspan

“Money is like manure, you don’t have to spread it around, you can just sell it to Potash Corp as fertilizer.” – J. Paul Getty

“The time of maximum optimism is the time to sell and the time of maximum pessimism is the time to start a blog and write 20 posts a day about gold.” – Sir John Templeton

“Rule No. 1 – Never Lose Money.  Rule No. 2 – When you do lose money, call in Becky Quick and the camera crew for some folksy chit chat over root beer floats.” – Warren Buffett

Pic credit: Jr. Deputy Accountant 

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