Need a break from the markets for some humor?
Canada to Build Twenty-foot Fence if Perry Elected
By Andy Borowitz of the Borowitz Report
Could Be Electrified, Border Officials Warn
OTTAWA (The Borowitz Report) – Canada warned today that if Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) is elected President of the United States in 2012, it would take the “regrettably necessary step” of constructing a 20-foot fence along its entire border with the U.S. “This is a step that we don’t take lightly,” said Canadian Border Security Minister Ian McLarrity. “However, we must protect ourselves from the prospect of millions of Americans pouring over the border.”
Perhaps taking the lead from Canada, Mexican officials said today that in the event of a Perry victory it would install tollbooths in its secret underground tunnels, which would require travelers to provide documentary evidence that they are members of a drug cartel in order to gain entry to Mexico.
See also:
Gaddafi Found Running for Republican Nomination, Libyan Madman Turns Up in New Hampshire
And for equal time to both parties (well, sort of):
Off politics and onto romance:
Best Love Advice Ever, Andy Borowitz in This Week’s New Yorker Magazine