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New York
Saturday, January 11, 2025

TLP: Does This Mean I Get to Skip the Census Next Time Around?

Courtesy of TLP at Jr. Deputy Accountant

survey threat

I thought the Obama Administration’s bold move to cut swag expenditures in the federal budget meant they were serious about saving money. I’m sure there’s plenty of waste in the purchasing of giveaways that become throwaways — otherwise, why would the swag industry be bitching so loudly?

And then I get this:

Yes, the U.S. Census Bureau twice in as many weeks sent me a hefty envelope containing the American Community Survey and threatened me in BOLD CAPSif I didn’t comply and fill it out. And expected to get it back in two weeks! Hey, I’m lazy. In fact, my first name is Lazy. And I can’t be the only one.

But guess what, Census Bureau? I’d actually gotten around to filling it out and had already given it to the mailman. (I hear he needs the work.) So the survey crew in Jeffersonville, Indiana, can get ready to read all about whether I have a job, how I get there, if I have health insurance and if I went to college. And other stuff too mind-numbing to recount. Knock yourselves out.

And, hey, send me a note and let me know how I did. 

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