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New York
Saturday, October 26, 2024

You Know The Market’s Euphoric When…

Courtesy of ZeroHedge. View original post here.

Submitted by Tyler Durden.

We noted last night the 'six charts' that represent the sum total of the hopefulness of these markets with relation to fundamental earnings but it is the ratio of negative to positive earnings guidance – which stands at a record high – that should worry investors the most (and doesn't). As the WSJ notes, in the last bull market, the negative corporate guidance ratio hit a peak of 2.38 in the third quarter of 2007 – just as that bull market was ending (and troughed at 0.97 right as the bottom was in in stocks in Q1 2009). The current 3.55 ratio is the highest on record. But what is more representative of the market's absolutely sanguine nature is that just 2 days after guiding earnings down, stock prices are down just 0.3% (and half the stocks actually rose). As the WSJ concludes, and we tend to agree, watch out. There may be a nasty drop on the other side of this wall.


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