Courtesy of Mish.
Last Friday I decided the gold:silver ratio was so out of line that I swapped some of my gold for silver. The ratio is a measure of how many ounces of silver it takes to buy an ounce of gold.
Exchange Rate
My exchange rate last Friday was as follows: “USD 38.2355/goldgram & USD 16.3589/silver ounce” where 1 gram (g) of gold Equals 0.032 troy ounces (oz t) in gold.
Simply stated, I traded some of my gold at $1194.859375 for an equivalent dollar amount of silver at $16.3589.
This does not constitute a recommendation, I am merely stating what I did.
Previous Physical Metal Transactions
On April 27, 2011 I announced Taking Silver Profits – Swapping Silver for Gold.
I have held physical silver and gold investments continuously for 5 years, and on and off before that. Today I cashed out of silver, trading it for an equal dollar value of gold.
For the sake of full disclosure, my physical precious metals holdings are now entirely at GoldMoney and I have an affiliate relationship with them.
At the time, silver was roughly $46 and gold roughly $1500. Since I sold every ounce I had that was a good move. My next move wasn’t that great.
On May 1, 2012 I announced I’m Swapping Some Gold for Silver.
Fortunately I only bought back about 1/3 of what I sold. Here was my exchange rate: “USD 53.4986/goldgram & USD 30.9600/silver ounce“.
My expectation all along was for silver to dip to the low $20s but a couple rebounds from the high 20s to the 30s caused me to change my mind….