Courtesy of Mish.
The disgusting poll of the week by the Washington Post shows From moderate Democrats to White Evangelicals, Nearly Every Demographic Group Believes Torture Can Be Justified.
The Post says “nearly” but they are being generous. Close scrutiny shows “every” group supports torture.
Here’s the question at hand: “Looking ahead, do you feel that torture of suspected terrorists can often be justified, sometimes justified, rarely justified, or never justified.“
Disgusting Results Part One
Disgusting Results Part Two
Comments and Analysis
There is not a single group in any age, in any race, in any party, or in any religious affiliation where a majority says torture is always wrong.
Only by adding “rarely justified” to “never justified” can one find any majority disapprovals.
In that combined group, only the Democrats, Liberals, No Religion, and Liberal Democrats take a generally opposing stance.