Courtesy of Mish.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is an incredible blowhard, but no credible threat to anyone outside North Korea. He just wants attention.
And he’s going to get it following his Threat to target White House after Obama Claims North Korea Behind Sony Hacking.
President Barack Obama is “recklessly” spreading rumours of a Pyongyang-orchestrated cyberattack of Sony Pictures, North Korea says, as it warns of strikes against the White House, Pentagon and “the whole US mainland, that cesspool of terrorism”.
A long statement from the powerful National Defense Commission late Sunday underscores Pyongyang’s sensitivity at a movie whose plot focuses on the assassination of its leader Kim Jong-un.
“Our toughest counteraction will be boldly taken against the White House, the Pentagon and the whole US mainland, the cesspool of terrorism, by far surpassing the ‘symmetric counteraction’ declared by Obama,” said the commission’s policy department in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.
US May Put North Korea Back on State Terror List
I never thought that I would agree with Kim Jong on anything significant, but his labeling the US a cesspool of terrorism seems an accurate description of US drone policy.
In response to his idle threats, US May Put North Korea Back on State Terror List.
The United States may classify North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism after its “cybervandalism” of Sony Pictures, President Barack Obama has said.
The president said the hack on the Hollywood studio was not an act of war but was “very costly”, and could land Pyongyang back on the administration’s terror list, a designation lifted by the Bush administration in 2008 during nuclear talks.
“We’re going to review those [issues] through a process that’s already in place,” he told CNN in an interview broadcast on Sunday. “I’ll wait to review what the findings are.”
‘The Interview’
In case you are not in tune with what’s happening, Sony was about to release a film called “The Interview“.
The film stars Rogen and James Franco as journalists instructed to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (played by Randall Park) after booking an interview with him.