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Monday, September 16, 2024

Russia Developing Missile Launchers For Brand New Warships

By salient partners. Originally published at ValueWalk.

Russia is developing a missile launcher for ship-borne missiles to be equipped on watercraft of the Russian Navy.

Russia Naval Ship

Scientific and production manufacturer ‘Start’, which is part of ‘Technodynamika’, is developing a new missile launcher that would replace warship multiple launch rocket system ‘Grad-M’, according to the general director of ‘Technodynamika’ Maxim Kuzyuk.

‘Technodynamika’, for its part, is a subsidiary of the Russian corporation Rostec.

The naval version of the ‘Grad’, which is currently manufactured at the ‘Start’ factory, was developed back in 1969. ‘Glad-M’ is mounted on assault landing ships to target forces and military equipment of the enemy located on shores as well as to support marines.

‘Start’ has already come up with the idea to manufacture a universal launcher for missiles of different calibers and purposes. The preliminary work has already been completed, according to Kuzyuk, as reported by Russia’s state-owned RIA Novosti.

The general director of ‘Technodynamika’ also added that due to the upcoming expanding of the series of air cushion assault landing ships, the factory will also consider the possibility to renew the production and modernization of the flame-throwing incendiary warship complex MS-227 ‘Fire’.

Modernization of missile launchers is ‘inevitable’

In case of defense procurement, the modernization of this missile launcher would be ‘inevitable’, according to Kuzyuk.

Kuzyuk also said that ‘Technodynamika’ is developing universal missile launchers for warship missiles, with which Russia plans to equip its upcoming warships of naval forces.

Universal missile launchers that would be able to launch missiles of different classes and purposes are now mounted on NATO’s warships equipped with the Aegis Combat System.

Russia has already carried out preliminary work of manufacturing universal missile launchers for such warships, Kuzyuk noted.

According to him, the Kremlin has already discussed the matter of introducing the brand new ‘Shtil-1’ anti-aircraft system of short-range missiles.

‘Technodynamika’ has also entered the manufacturing phase of transport vehicles for S-300 and S-400.

The batch production gives an opportunity to complete the high volume of orders in time as well as achieve a 30 percent increase in production, according to the deputy of the general director of ‘Technodynamika’, Alexander Kosov, who had overseen the project.

Russia will be equipped with new generation self-guided missiles

In other news, Russia will get new generation self-guided missiles.

Russian anti-aircraft missile troops are about to be equipped with super-maneuver and robust missiles launchers with next generation ammo, according to the spokesman of Russia’s Ministry of Defense, Colonel Igor Klimov.

“In addition to the S-400 systems, our air defense forces will start receiving the S-350 ‘Vityaz’ missiles, which are more maneuverable and boast self-homing warheads of a new generation,” Colonel Igor Klimov told RIA Novosti.

As of now, Russian anti-aircraft missile troops are equipped with air defense systems S-400 ‘Triumph’, S-300 ‘Favorite’ of different modifications as well as gun-launcher armed complexes ‘Panzir-C’, which make up the main fire power in the anti-aircraft defense system and are intended to protect the most important state and industrial objects.

U.S. will lose a war against Russia’s air defense system

The United States will lose a war against Russia’s air defense system, according to RT citing the Italian Il Giornale.

The source claims that during the past 15 years, the U.S. air forces have been ‘hopelessly’ dragging behind Russia’s developments in the field of military aircraft as Washington has been too focused on military conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.

The Italian source based its conclusions on analytical materials of the U.S. Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment.

Il Giornale claims that in case of war between Russia and the U.S., the military aircraft of the U.S. would prove itself weak against Russia’s air defense system. The reasons for that lies in the U.S. lack of long-range weapons. Besides, Washington would also be helpless against China and Iran’s air forces.

Il Giornale also noted that a similar opinion to the one stated in the report mentioned above is expressed by the U.S. military generals. As little as 4 percent of the U.S. weapons are able to strike the target from the distance longer than 50 miles, which is extremely not enough to fight an air battle from safe distances considering the latest developments of Russian and Chinese air forces.

By being too focused financing the operations in Syria and Iran, the U.S. did not notice much more intimidating competitors such as Russian and Chinese air forces.

U.S. still considers sending lethal weapons to Ukraine

The Barack Obama administration continues considering the possibility to supply lethal arms to Ukraine, but has not made the final decision yet, according to the Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter.

Answering to the question asked by U.S. senator John McCain, Carter noted that the possibility to supply lethal weapons to Ukrainian army is still being looked into.

“We are considering that, we have not made a decision in that regard,” Carter said Tuesday.

When McCain asked what is Carter’s personal stance in that regard, he replied that he is more inclined to arming Kyiv.

However, the U.S. believes that it is first of all Europe who must provide economic aid to the Ukrainian government, according to Carter.

“I can’t emphasize the importance of economic assistance to Ukraine,” Carter said. “That’s largely in the hands of the Europeans, and so also are the sanctions against Russia, and that’s really the main event.”

In 2014 and 2015, the U.S. has provided Ukraine with nearly $1 billion of credit guarantees and promised to do the same in 2016 ‘if the circumstances will allow’. Washington also supported the plan of anti-crisis international aid to Ukraine, which amounts to about $40 billion in the next four years.

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