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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Breaking News And Best Of The Web

Courtesy of John Rubino.

US private sector jobs rise, but all from the service sector, none from manufacturing. Car sales, oil prices, mortgage applications, US construction spending, China and Japan manufacturing all fall hard. Alhambra Partners on why apathy is a bigger risk than stupidity. Charles Hugh Smith on why pension funds (that is, your retirement) are doomed. Great interviews with James Rickards and Helen Chaitman. Oil and gold stable. Bitcoin is soaring on China demand. Brexit gains support.

Best Of The Web

It’s not stupidity. It is apathy (for now) – Alhambra Partners
Here’s why all pension funds are doomed, doomed, doomed… – OfTwoMinds.com
Dominic Frisby interviews James Rickards – Frisby’s Bulls & Bears
Criminal bankers threaten entire world economy – USA Watchdog
Gold: Intelligentsia – you’re fired! – 321Gold
The business of central banks is like pornography – Finanz und Wirtschaft
Stock share buybacks now bought out – The Great Recession
Rick Rule on gold’s bull market – King World News
We’re in the eye of a global financial hurricane – OfTwoMinds.com
The coming Fed-induced pension bust – Hussman Funds
“We are becoming convinced that the system won’t stabilize” – Zero Hedge
Trump victory odds soar as the Hillary Clinton ‘death cross’ strikes – Zero Hedge
What we have now isn’t capitalism – Wall St. For Main St.
Weekly commentary: unambiguous signals disregarded – Credit Bubble Bulletin

Breaking News

The Economy

6/02    US manufacturing sheds jobs in May: ADP – MarketWatch

6/02    World factories stuck in low gear on sluggish demand – Yahoo!

6/02    Hong Kong April retail sales fall for 14th straight month – Reuters

6/02    The Fed has created an unprecedented disaster for pension funds – Liberty Blitzkrieg

6/02    Stunning satellite images of the global tanker oil glut – Zero Hedge

6/02    Stuck in the doldrums: the markets will not remain this calm! – Economy And Markets

6/02    Will Yellen finally raise the interest rate? – McAlvany Weekly

6/02    Euro-area manufacturing near stagnation signals slowdown – Bloomberg

6/02    Pimco sees ‘insecure stability’ era marked by rising risks – Bloomberg

6/02    Governments must boost spending to escape ‘low-growth trap’ – Reuters

6/02    On the road to Panicville – Talk Markets

6/02    Bank of Italy calls for state intervention in bank crises – Reuters

6/02    Gloomy economic news from around the globe. John Rubino – YouTube

6/02    Public pensions are states’ biggest problem – Forbes

6/01    Rise in U.S. manufacturing activity masks underlying weakness – Reuters

6/01    GM sales plunge 18% in May, Ford down 5% – CNBC

6/01    Oil prices fall on rising output – CNBC

6/01    Abenomics “death cross” strikes as PMI falls to 40-month low – Zero Hedge

Precious Metals

6/02    An interview with Rick Rule on the mining stock recovery – ResourceWorld

6/02    Clash of the Titans propels gold – 321Gold

6/02    The bull market correction in gold may be nearing its end – Money Metals

6/02    A passion for precious metals – Sprott

6/02    Mike Kosares: Global mints report record silver coin sales for 2015 – GATA

6/01    CEO hints at massive silver shortage – SHTFplan

6/01    How miners maintained gains despite gold losses – Yahoo!

6/01    Volume is your enemy – Will Lehr on the Gold Channel – Perpetual Assets

6/01    Gold: What is it good for? Absolute value or absolutely nothing? – Forbes

5/31    Thanks to Yellen, gold will bounce back – Daily Bell

5/31    Bullish hedge funds run for the exits in gold market – Kitco

5/30    Gold and silver – at significant support. New “story” developing – Edge Trader Plus

5/30    Energy & debt crisis point to much higher metals price – SRSrocco Report

5/30    For how many millennia do John Plender and the FT plan to disparage gold? – GATA

5/29    Why China’s largest bank just bought a massive gold vault – Motley Fool

5/29    Commercial traders do something unprecedented in report’s history – Seeking Alpha

5/29    The Fed can’t make a decision, but they can make gold glitter – Birch Gold

Inflation, Deflation, Currency War, Cryptocurrencies

6/02    The U.S. dollar is stronger than it’s been in 13 years. That’s bad – The Week

6/02    Trade deficit narrows, but Australian foreign debt hits fresh record – ABC

6/02    Auto, housing debt worsens as petrodollar fades, Embry tells KWN – GATA

6/02    Bitcoin values up on Chinese yuan concerns – USA Today

6/02    Japan’s debt burden is quietly falling the most in the world – Bloomberg

6/02    Negative interest rates forcing Japanese to stuff cash under mattresses – Fortune

6/01    Yen jumps as Japanese stocks slide on Abe tax news – Bloomberg

6/01    Will Ethereum beat bitcoin to mainstream microtransactions? – Coin Desk

6/01    3 reasons bitcoin is booming again, price nears $550 – Fortune

6/01    It costs $150 to buy a dozen eggs in Venezuela right now – LA Times

5/31    Economists and faith leaders plot Britain’s downfall – Daily Bell

5/31    Brexit focus on immigration concerns is paying off – Telegraph

Real Estate Bubble

6/02    Data show a deeper polarization of ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ in housing – MarketWatch

6/02    The dumb money’s at it again – Economy And Markets

6/02    Has Fed policy pumped up another real estate bubble? – Schiff Gold

6/01    US Construction spending plunges 1.8% in April – MarketWatch

DollarCollapse Podcasts

5/23    Hard times for obsolete entities

5/14   Chaos spreads to US retailers and Italian banks

5/04    Easy money has failed; what’s next?

4/27    Okay, I’ll say it: run for the hills

4/21    Corporate earnings (among other things) go from bad to horrendous

4/13    A potentially brutal earnings season kicks off

4/06    The end of privacy = risk off and soaring gold

3/30    The inevitable is now imminent

3/22    Huge government deficits coming

3/17    Same mistakes, bigger scale


6/01    Wikileaks: Is this the “smoking gun” email that brings down Hillary? – ZH

6/01    New polls show Brexit in lead for 1st time – Mish

6/01    Clinton camp scrambles to assure backers in wake of email report – Fox News

6/01    You’re witnessing the death of neoliberalism – from within – Guardian

5/31    As Trump feuds with ‘Pocahontas,’ Sanders appeals to Native Americans – WaPo

5/31    New poll shows only 4% of Americans trust congress – Daily Bell

5/31    Electronic voitng machines & why voters should be suspicious of every election – ZH

5/31    “Bill Clinton was here”: the elite one-percent ‘orgy island’ exposed – Zero Hedge

5/31    Donald Trump is oddly popular in China –Fortune

5/31    7 times we were sure Donald Trump wouldn’t get the GOP nomination – Mashable

5/31    Why Donald Trump has a real chance to become president – SMH

5/31    Conservative party turmoil escalates with open call for Cameron to quit –Guardian

5/31    “The only true ‘safe space’ is liberty and freedom” – Heat Street

5/30    Sensing opportunity, Libertarians pick Johnson, Weld for ticket – MarketWatch

Offshore Investing

5/20    EU to compile common blacklist of tax havens, sanction them – Reuters

5/17    Panama Papers: dozens of Americans tied in – Panama Papers

5/17    Panama Papers hub in Miami: Citigroup’s private bank – Wall St on Parade

5/12    Crooks, terrorists, tax evaders: Can new shell company rule stop them? – Reuters

Clean Tech

6/01    When will solar overtake oil? – Oil Price

6/01    Gokongwei mall has world’s biggest solar power plant – Inquirer

6/01    China added half of new global wind power capacity in 2015 – Inhabitant

5/31    Tesla’s Gigafactory sets grand opening for July 29th – Verge

5/31    Big corporations ditching their power providers. A sign of the utility death spiral? – GTM

5/31    Utility scale wind turbine market poised to $130 billion by 2016 – Cluster Mapping

5/31    Saudi Arabia – the next solar super power? – Business

5/30    JinkoSolar outstrips Trina Solar in module shipments – Solar Server

5/30    Clean energy to take bigger share of electricity – Bloomberg

5/29    Tall buildings are bigger threat to birds than wind power – Bloomberg

5/28    There’s a lot to unpack in Trump’s answers about energy policy – Washington Post

5/28    Wind energy’s rustic years are over – Slate

Art of the Collapse

5/30    Economic reality, brick walls, budget balancing act political cartoons – Mish

5/08    ‘Dilbert’ creator’s 6 reasons why Trump will win – Zero Hedge

War, Civil Unrest, Privacy, Creeping Fascism, Police State

6/01    Eric Holder says Edward Snowden performed a ‘public service’ – CNN

6/01    Fear for civilians as Islamic State halts Iraqi army at gates of Falluja – Reuters

6/01    Merkel ready to kiss and make up with Putin? – Mish

6/01    18 German women sexually assaulted by Pakistani refugees – Zero Hedge

5/31    Sen. Rand Paul: we must restore congressional authority on declaring war – Time

5/31    Texas men train to shoot Muslims, dip bullets in pig blood – Independent

5/31    How to legally scam the welfare system – Zero Hedge

5/31    Governments to commercial spyware to intimidate dissidents – Mish

Self-sufficiency, Food Security, Survival

6/01    Here’s why ‘inert’ ingredients may be the most harmful of all – Mercola

6/01    The 50 year cover-up killing millions – Mercola

5/31    Building an igloo alone: “Survive In Ice and Snow” – SHTF Plan

5/31    Cell-phone-radiation causes brain and heart tumors in rodents – Kurzweil

5/29    Eat some Sesame seeds to fight oxidative stress – Modern Farmer

CyberWar, CyberTerrorism, CyberCrime

5/29    North Korea linked to digital thefts from global banks – NY Times

5/29    President Obama threw a cyberwar… and no one came – Tech Dirt

5/22    Cyberwar: The smart person’s guide – Tech Republic

5/21    Yet another major cyberheist in ‘secure’ global payments system – Zero Hedge

5/20    Cyber-war gets real – Baseline Mag

Off-Topic But Brilliant/Challenging/Infuriating

6/01    Preparing for a beautiful end – Geez

6/01    More than 45 million trapped in modern slavery: study – AFP

6/01    Where is global warming? Coldest spring – 2016 – Dr Sircus

5/31    Things are thriving in the “modern hooker economy” – Zero Hedge

5/31    ‘Huge wake up call’: Third of central, northern Great Barrier Reef corals dead – SMH

5/31    By the year 2040, embryo selection could replace for procreation – Kurzweil

5/31    Football’s silent shame: Dementia ‘conspiracy’ is a stain on the game – Telegraph

5/31    Woman who died after night swim in crocodile-infested waters – Telegraph

5/30    Schrödinger’s cat now has a playmate – CS Monitor

5/30    Your next hamburger may contain endangered wolf – Take Part

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