25.2 C
New York
Thursday, September 19, 2024

25 to Life

Courtesy of Nattering Naybob.

From a Naybob of IT…  some friends were celebrating 24 years of being committed to the institution of marriage.

We commented:  I see what 25 to life in an institution can do to one. Being in the institution is like trading markets. Both can add color and emotion (good and bad) to your life while giving one a sense of fulfillment. To attain success in both endeavors requires hard work and discipline, and years of training. For success in marriage: When you are wrong, admit it to your spouse; when you are right, try to keep your mouth shut. Remember your usually right, but she’s always right. Don’t forget the two magic words: Yes dear. Never forget the response which is ever right: honey would you like a glass of wine?

This video shows how life can be with wife, and a potential method of parole. I especially like the music. I know, I’m touched, I just don’t know how. Congrats to both of you for having lived in the institution this long and for many years to come.

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