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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hillary Gets Gored?


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Paul Krugman's latest NY Times op-ed urges the press to not report innuendo and the electorate to read with a critical eye.  Fat chance there as the majority of the public practises conscious ignorance and will get what they richly deserve. 
2000's grand SCOTUS sham, took down ex serviceman Gore with 24 yrs of elected service and brought us a National Guard reservist with 5 yrs of elected service in Texas.
Between 2000 and 2008, a Republican congress along with Shrub's cabal of Neo-con henchmen, who ran the ultimate (up till now) Manchurian Candidate's show, served up the consciously ignorant electorate with: tax breaks for corporations, banksters and elites, completion of the eradication of the middle class, and several ongoing wars or covertly funded conflicts predicated upon false pretense.
Coupled with the resulting 2008 backlash election of another inexperienced (7 yrs elected service) candidate in Barrack Obama, and a complete Republican congressional blockade, or gridlock by design, the status quo have managed a heretofore unparalleled value extraction strategy, from which this country and the world will never recover. 
That's right, as in, that 2000 election screwed all of us, our children and children's children, and good. That howling, gurgling sound of our globally imploding economy, is the aftermath of any hope of a bright future being flushed straight down the toilet, along with the remainder of this country in that 2000 election.  
Being realistic, in the here and now, we are again screwed either way with our choice of dumb and dumber. Not that Hillary will screw us any less than Trump, just in a different and semi coherent manner as in, at least something that benefits the electorate, might have a chance of getting done. 
Bottom line, do you really think a corporate elite controlled Congress (the whores on the hill) will allow ANYONE going against their sponsors mandates, to do anything? Wake up, grow up and get real, this is not a democracy, and at best, it is a republic practicing plutocracy.
As to a continuance of the stupidity and conscious ignorance of the electorate, Trumps ascendancy to Republican nominee, says it all. Much like I have been professing to my friends and associates, Krugman has that sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach and fears Hillary will get Gored in a redux of that millennium disaster.  
If you think Shrub did a number, wait till Duckman, Hell Toupee or Don The Con is done, because as hard as this is to imagine, the unmitigated millennium disaster of Shrub will be looking like the "good old days".  Hard to believe indeed and TBD.
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