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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Ye’ Reap What Ye’ Sow?

Courtesy of Nattering Naybob.

Over at Philstockworld… High Finance for Real People – Fun and Profits… 

Latchdaddy – Phil/ Climate change — do you know of a credible source that has quantified the man-made impact? Seriously, I would like to learn more but all these articles say is ‘many scientists agree….climate change is happening’ but I can’t find humankind’s impact.  Any help is appreciated.

Phil – Climate Change/Latch – Is NASA credible?  Here’s a breakdown of all 944 abstracts written through 2015 in which 4,014 CLIMATE scientists weighed in and all but 120 concluded that Climate Change was definitely caused by human activity.  120 were not sure it was man-made but NONE said climate change wasn’t happening – no one is that crazy.  

Other than that, I’d love to tell you there are no other credible sources but I’ve actually read hundreds of articles and papers, probably a lot that are redundant to the study, of course, and I’ve yet to come across any that made a good case for climate change not being our fault.  Why do you think I’m so passionate about this issue – I’d like my children and my grandchildren to live on a World that isn’t collapsing around them.

The Nattering One muses… We concur with Phil and unlike most, Latchdaddy is asking.  In another addition to the Global Warming Series, we revisit this hotly debated (for ALL THE WRONG REASONS) topic with a much needed update to Monkey See? Monkey Do?

Following up on Beware the Beast Man

04/30/16 – Pstas – “Global warming- I am all for it (Note to NSA- please put this in my record-don’t want trouble from Justice Dept apparatchiks) – it is just that you warmists are such crybabies. You guys are so offended when the rubes don’t just roll over and do what they are told. You are always whining about opposing propaganda preventing your takeover of the world economy. Perhaps it is just that the little people, in their endearing ignorance, see the loudest voices not walking the talk.

The Nattering One: Phil – Sorry I gotta rant.

As for Global Warming, I’m all for it and all in too. Record heat in 2014, only to be eclipsed by 2015, and Q1 2016 Yoy eclipsed 2015.  A pack of natural un aided by human intervention (CO2 level) BS data?  May 1st London, 2 days prior deep freeze alert with snow, following weeks temperatures exceeded Istanbul. Global weather patterns are not seeing any radical changes what so ever? Worry not, stiff upper lip, keep calm and carry on.

Interesting read at that link above, not many on either side walking the walk, wonder why? What do they know? don’t know? or are consciously ignorant of?

Hope and faith are the currency of cults and houses of worship.  With true belief and conviction, there can be strong juju and a potent cocktail there. Fortunately, there’s weakness, divisiveness, corruption, greed and the root of all evil, ignorance.

Regardless of religious, racial, gender, sexual or apparatchik persuasion, the level of “conscious ignorance” runs deep while hypocrisy runs rampant, as it is far too easy to castigate others.

However, there is one common thread, those who are subjectively chosen to be demonized, never set out to destroy the world, people did.  People, have been conditioned to believe in authority, its a natural weakness. In their restlessness, mankind has grown tired of waiting for miracle or mystery. Science is their religion and no greater explanation exists for them.

Whenever those talking monkey’s believe differently there are usually “management” problems. As anyone who can appease a man’s conscience can take his freedom away from him, those mgmt kerfuffle’s are a side show which pose no real threat to the order of things, as in… 

Free election of masters does not abolish the masters or the slaves.” ― Herbert Marcuse

Sadly, mankind can never truly be free, because they’re weak, corrupt, restless and have proven to be a viral infestation and drain on the planets resources. 


Having been given the greatest genetic privilege, to communicate verbally, mankind somehow manages to defecate were they eat on a regular basis. Move into an area, suck the resources dry, pollute, destroy, move on, rinse and repeat. 

Only two specie on the planet share this trait, homo sapiens and virus. Ironically, home sapien is latin for “wise man” and the human species stewardship of this planet has been to put it kindly, conducted by anything but and sorely lacking. 

The obvious, climate change does happen, and is happening. As with all cyclical and natural processes, global warming or cooling can be aided, abetted, detracted and influenced by the inhabitants of said planet and their interactions with the ecosystem.

As these are axiomatic 
(true for over 100 years) facts and inarguable, the only science really necessary is to understand their function.  Witness tribal peoples, past and present, who despite their lack of technological or scientific prowess, are in tune with the ecosystem and nature. 

To understand the preceding DUH moments, does not require a Phd, much less an IQ equal to one’s shoe size and there is no rational argument or debate to be had. 

In order to survive, one must know the rules, act accordingly and respect the system that giveth and taketh. Given existing technology, escalating CO2 levels are already beyond repair.  Note the term existing technology and the implication. 

If those talking monkeys can get their act together before the clock runs out on them, and perhaps effect a reversal or abeyance of the current condition, well who knows what could happen. That hopeful speculation aside, and given the reality of their nature, “monkey see, monkey do” there really is nothing to worry about at this point. Right?

Don’t worry, Mighty Mouse won’t be coming to save the day and in the end there won’t be any dramatic Hollywood interventions of biblical proportion. As for any impending “alien invasions”, that notion is a complete canard. 

Any intergalactic “corporate raiders” are just going to stand by and watch while that genus Homo, much like many before it, vanishes from the face of the planet. I can hear the intergalactic realtor now… move right in, freshly vacated with no invasion or bloodshed necessary, no down, just take over payments and remember, victori spolia….

Now quit stirring the pot and go smoke some, or watch some form of mindless entertainment or programming designed to distract from the gravitas of the situation.  Why do you think they call it programming anyway? 

Just be still, keep calm and carry on, let the believers work on solving the problem. Like I said, I’m all for it and I’m all in… as we all are, the same slowly boiling frog pot that is. Might as well jump in, monkey see, monkey do, right? 

We hope you enjoyed tonight’s offering for your perusal. A case in point where even the unscientific could observe two points in fact, and which can be found closely correlated with an obvious outcome.

First, man’s biggest obstacles, his conscious ignorance and seemingly palpable need to dislike someone other than himself, even if just for arguing the obvious.

Second, time is the threat, exhaustion, pap and extinction the inevitable consequence. We must stop treating climate change like a passing fad. Carpe diem.

As for that potential outcome, unless the above points in fact are surmounted, that rascally vermin like genus Homo, who often walks, talks and acts as if in a “monkey see, monkey do” or obliviot stupor…

and can divisively argue about the obvious till the cows come home, is for all intents and purposes, already walking dead, they just don’t know it, yet. Once again proving, Ye’ Reap What Ye’ Sow.

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