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Courtesy of Nattering Naybob.
Key Swing State?
Trump barely took Pennsylvania by 68K votes, 99.8% in, with 22 precincts not yet reporting.
Above, official electoral vote count at 5:30AM EST, Trump 264 to 215 Clinton.
It's Over?
Clinton phoned Trump to concede, but has not yet given a concession speech. With 59 electoral votes still undecided, being generous say Clinton takes AZ, MI, MN, NH, ME, and Trump takes NE, AK and WI…
In Michigan (16), Trump leads by 15K votes, 98.9% in, with 51 precincts not yet reporting.
Above, Trump 278 to 260 Clinton might be the final tally.
The difference would be the 10 electoral votes from Wisconsin with Trump winning by 27K votes, 99.8% in, with 6 precincts not yet reporting.
In the Year 2000?
Below, in the year 2000, 3rd party Ralph Nader garnered 2.8M popular votes, enough to cause the following…
Above, in the year 2000, 97,488 Floridians voted for Nader, leaving Gore and Bush separated by 537 votes to decide that states 25 electoral votes. SCOTUS overturned the Florida Supreme Court ruling in favor of a recount, making Bush the 43rd US President.
The Prize?
The 2016 popular vote, Trump 58.6M; Clinton 58.4M; Johnson 3.9M; Stein 1.1M; Other 780K; the difference being 200K popular votes.
At the end of the day, judging from the states that are official, looks like Johnson and Stein siphoned off just enough votes in many key swing states to make a huge difference in the end result. Thus earning Johnson and Stein the following….
Above, presenting the Ralph Nader Razzie 2016 award, the 45th President of the US, Donald Trump. Initial market reaction to the Trump victory as predicted:
SP500 down 122, rebounding to down 60, volatility up, dollar down, commodities up, 10 to 30 year bonds selling off, short term bond prices rising. If Trump says anything about accelerating tariff legislation, further major downside awaits.