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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Breaking News And Best Of The Web

Courtesy of John Rubino.

US stocks, interest rates, dollar at recent and/or record highs. Worries about valuation are spreading. US housing starts jump in November, auto sales turn down, numerous factories scaling back. Italian banks restructuring and raising capital as government begins bail-out. Deutsche Bank agrees to big fine for mortgage fraud. Terrorist attacks in Turkey and Germany.  

Best Of The Web

Inequality and skin in the game – Medium.com

The world’s most dangerous systemic risks – Medium.com

The United States might be the next Argentina – WaPo

Breakout of yieldrange will blow-up interest rate derivatives – 321Gold

Exit, hope and change – James Howard Kunstler

IceCap on investing through the eyes of an ostrich – Zero Hedge

Gold and silver prospects in an uncertain global currency market – GoldCore

A broken bond bounce beckons! – MATA SII

2016 year in review – David Collum

Something wicked this way comes – Burning Platform

Dow 20,000 12-9-16 – Real Investment Advice

Are you a deplorable? Take this quiz to find out – Charles Hugh Smith

Money under fire – Peak Prosperity


Breaking News

The Economy

12/28  China to rein in outward investment as domestic growth stalls – Guardian

12/28  10 themes for 2017: a year of 2 halves – Seeking Alpha

12/28  Toshiba shares fall 20% as nuclear writedown sinks in – Guardian

12/28  Chinese interbank funding freezes as overnight repo hits 33% – Zero Hedge

12/28  No happy New Year in China as currency, liquidity fears loom – Bloomberg

12/28  New normal ‘safety net’: surging disability benefits claims – Zero Hedge

12/28  China banking official urges cut to required reserve ratio – Bloomberg

12/28  Record run for company-bond sales seen coming to a 2017 halt – Bloomberg

12/28  Americans’ market sentiment jumps most since dot-com boom – Bloomberg

12/28  Will interest rates ever rise? – BATR

12/28  China’s coming bond market fireworks – Seeking Alpha

12/28  “Deplorable economy” flashing warning signs about growth prospects? – Zero Hedge

12/27  ECB tells Monte dei Paschi to raise 8.8 billion euros – CNBC

12/27  Recession, market correction next year, expect rate cuts – CNBC

Precious Metals

12/28  Gold: a significant rally begins? – 321Gold

12/28  Europe proposes confiscating gold in crackdown on “terrorist financing” – Zero Hedge

12/28  Where is gold headed? Focus on these 2 factors says Rick Rule – Kitco

12/28  Financial Times, Barron’s tout death of gold – Mish

12/28  Could someone buy all the available silver? – Smaulgld

12/27  Which miners offer valuation upside in the silver space? – Market Realist

12/27  Important lessons from the Trump-inspired breakdown for gold – Seeking Alpha

12/27  This one factor could cause super spike in gold – Lombardi Letter

12/27  Gold, silver sentiment not bearish enough to establish a bottom – Seeking Alpha

12/27  Down only way for gold prices to go in the foreseeable future? – Seeking Alpha

12/26  Koos Jansen: China’s gold market means to internationalize its currency – GATA

12/26  What do the terms “karat” & “troy ounce” actually mean? – MunKnee

12/26  Gold: where do we go from here – Seeking Alpha

Inflation, Deflation, Currency War, Cryptocurrencies

12/28  Britons hoard cash as economic uncertainties prompt caution – Bloomberg

12/28  Bitcoin and gold – the trend continues – Seeking Alpha

12/28  EUR to USD: here’s why euro could collapse 20% in 2017 – Lombardi Letter

12/28  EU to boost border checks on cash, gold to tackle ‘terrorism financing’ – GATA

12/27  Yuan turnover soars in sign of December outflow pressures – Bloomberg

12/27  Bitcoin surges 20% in a week, Chinese volumes record high – Zero Hedge

12/27  Brexit talks to rock pound – Telegraph

12/26  Chinese themselves prefer U.S. dollar over yuan – GATA

12/25  Bitcoin surges to outperform gold, stocks – Bloomberg

Real Estate Bubble

12/28  Pending home sales drop to 10-month low in November – Yahoo!

12/28  Manhattan luxury co-ops fall out of favor – Bloomberg

12/28  When assets (such as real estate) become liabilities – Charles Hugh Smith

12/27  Home affordability drops to 8-year lows as mortgage rates surge – Talk Markets

12/23  Chinese money moving to US commercial property – CNBC

DollarCollapse Podcasts

12/01  All Eyes On Italy

11/04  Instability on the horizon

10/04  European banks in the eye of the storm

9/13    Markets explain facts of life to Fed

8/16    A tough time to manage money

7/27    Random violence and political instability: the new normal

7/21    It’s not the event but the response to the event that matters

7/01    Brexit was just the beginning

6/25    The deeper meaning of Brexit

6/08    Gold Will Soar, Marijuana Will Be Legal


12/27  Outrage over the economy doesn’t explain surging global populism – Bloomberg

12/27  Why Nigel Farage thinks Marine Le Pen is left wing – LBC

12/27  Liberalism has failed to keep the West safe – Miami Herald

12/27  Fear of Trump triggers deep union spending cuts – Bloomberg

12/27  Trump offered another Goldman Sachs veteran an administrative spot – MIN

12/27  Latino leaders who dumped Trump now hopeful he’s their guy – Huffington Post

12/27  Donald Trump and the triumph of climate-change denial – Atlantic

12/27  Rise of anti-establishment parties reshapes Western politics – Indrastra

12/26  Finally Rand Paul unloads – Daily Bell

12/25  Opponents, family feud take shine off Le Pen’s hopes – Reuters

12/25  The chaos theory of Donald Trump: Sowing confusion through tweets – WaPo

12/25  European far right calls for end to open borders – Guardian

Offshore Investing

12/23  The best countries for your escape plan – International Man

12/21  Do you have an offshore backup plan? – Sovereign Investor

12/17  If Europe goes down, we go with it – Nestmann

12/16  The real winner of the US elections – Mountain Vision

Clean Tech

12/27  2016 the year solar panels became cheaper than fossil fuels; 2017? – Quartz

12/27  Solar power became the world’s cheapest energy – Interesting Engineering

12/27  Cheap solar power & wind power crushes coal, nuclear, gas – Clean Technica

12/25  Solar power: are the promises coming true? – Blue And Green Tomorrow

12/25  Solar power cheapest form of energy in almost 60 countries – Science Alert

12/24  The top 5 solar policy trends of 2016 – Utility Drive

12/24  Oil company’s new bet on wind power – Business Insider

Art of the Collapse

12/12  A dozen dead oceans – Automatic Earth

12/11  Chicago working around clock to clear 18″ of bullet casings from streets – Onion

War, Civil Unrest, Privacy, Creeping Fascism, Police State

12/28  Turkey and Russia agree on proposal toward Syrian ceasefire – Reuters

12/28  ‘US not serious about fighting ISIS’ – RT

12/28  Two-state solution not a ‘valid solution right now’ – Aljazeera

12/28  Economic sanctions and “covert cyber ops” against Russia for “election hacking” – ZH

12/28  Erdogan says he has “confirmed evidence” the US supports ISIS – Zero Hedge

12/27  German lawmakers urge tougher security measures after market attack – Reuters

12/27  Obama signs ‘countering disinformation and propaganda act’ – Ron Paul Institute

12/27  Taiwan warns of increasing threat as Chinese warships conduct drill – Reuters

Self-sufficiency, Food Security, Survival

12/24  How physical inactivity increases risk for chronic diseases – Mercola

12/23  Healing tonic that helped climbing expedition conquer Everest – Alternative Daily

12/23  10 good reasons to change jobs every 3 to 5 years – Forbes

12/20  Alternative uses for honey – Survival Sullivan

12/17  Is your olive oil fake? – Mercola

12/17  “You may sleep better at night by taking vitamin B12 during the day…” – Mercola

12/12  Happiness depends on health and friends, not money, says new study – Guardian

12/11  10 corporations have a monopoly on almost all supermarket goods – Natural News

12/11  Fish traps to catch your limit – Survival Sullivan

CyberWar, CyberTerrorism, CyberCrime

12/28  Russian hacking warrants sanctions, cybersecurity CEO says – CNBC

12/28  New Hampshire health department hack exposes addresses, SSNs – CNBC

12/27  Britney Spears isn’t dead: Twitter account compromised – Bloomberg

12/27  Suddenly hot smart home devices are ripe for hacking – CNBC

12/22  Link between DNC hacks and aggression against Ukrain – Wall St Journal

Off-Topic But Brilliant/Challenging/Infuriating

12/28  Antibiotic resistance: The story that won’t go away – CNBC

12/28  State of the Arctic: longer melting seasons, thinning sea ice – Earth Institute

12/27  Cheetahs heading towards extinction as population crashes – BBC

12/26  AI, self-driving cars and cyberwar – tech trends in 2017 – Guardian

12/25  It may not feel like anything to be an alien – Kurzweil

12/25  New ebola vaccine gives 100 percent protection – NY Times

12/22  Bitcoin-fed plant robot hires artists to make its babies – Singularity Hub

12/21  Smog refugees flee Chinese cities as ‘airpocalypse’ blights half a billion – Guardian

12/21  American lifespan declines as obesity and opioid epidemic takes its toll – Mercola

12/20  This is the polar bear capital of the world, but the snow has gone – Guardian

12/20  The thousands of U.S. locales where lead poisoning is worse than in Flint – Reuters

Visit John’s Dollar Collapse blog here


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