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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Richard Wyckoff logic not working, this maybe why? PART 2

Courtesy of Read the Ticker.

richard-wyckoff-logic-not-working-this-maybe-why-part-2Richard Wyckoff logic has rules, some folks like the short cuts, hence they wonder why their trade ends in a mess.

Previous Post: Richard Wyckoff logic not working, this maybe why? PART 1

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Investing Quote…

..“It is foolhardy to make a second trade, if your first trade shows you a loss.  Never average losses.  Let this thought be written indelibly upon your mind.”..

Jesse Livermore

..”Markets are designed to allow individuals to look after their private needs and to pursue profit. It’s really a great invention and I wouldn’t under-estimate the value of that, but they’re not designed to take care of social needs”..

George Soros

..”The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing”..

Philip Fisher

..”Money couldn’t buy friends, but you got a better class of enemy”..

Spike Milligan

..“Investing should be like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement…go to Las Vegas.”…

Paul Samuelson

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