Clay's Butterfly Evaluator
Courtesy of Clay at PSW
Here's my new "PSW Options Evaluator (Rev. 3)," added to the Option Evaluator spreadsheet, previously shared here. Notes:
- Select the Butterfly page at bottom of Spreadsheet to switch between Options Opportunity Portfolio and Butterfly spreadsheet tools.
- You can evaluate the economics of Butterfly set-ups as shown for many different stocks currently in the PSW Butterfly portfolio. (VLO at the top is shown to demonstrate evaluating the original set-up without a Performance Tracking Table.)
- You can also track Butterfly performance for each position via manual entries like the remainder of the stock examples from PG down to bottom.
- Add new rows via copy/insert when you fill the existing Performance Tracking Table.
- A new blank template is provided at the bottom for new entries….
PSW Options Evaluator (Rev. 3)
Original notes on how the spreadsheet works (from Clay's PSW Options Evaluator post):
1. I have examples of previous evaluations loaded in the spreadsheet for SPWR, LL, AAPL, BHI. Some stock evaluations in the spreadsheet appear as duplicate tables that are very similar. I use them to fill in Phil's original trade idea on top to show the economics of Profit and %Rate of Return (ROI) that might be achieved if I can fill it as Phil has suggested. The second table is to evaluate impacts of adjustments to Phil's recommendations that may be required or desired (due to changing market conditions or alternative ideas, etc.).
2. Create a new stock option evaluation form by copying/pasting rows from one of the stock option evaluations previously used into new available rows at bottom of spreadsheet.
3. Load the new stock info in the yellow and blue rows (upper left corner of evaluation table).
4. Fill in the white cells in columns D, E, F, G, H, I and N as appropriate.
5. The spreadsheet calculates everything else.
6. Columns S & T give various Results.
7. Column O is to keep track of orders placed but not filled (Red) vs. orders filled (green).
8. Members might choose to adjust the % margin requirements in the equations of column T. I have the equation set using a default of 25%.
9. Members can view the various equations of cells in Column J, S, T, W to see how calculations are made.
10. The word "Infinity" shows up in Column T when there is no net investment for the spread (i.e., when the spread results in a net credit that requires no net investment capital).
11. This revised spreadsheet provides a blank template at the bottom (Row 43).
If you find errors or wish to share suggestions to improve this spreadsheet, please email Clay at
See also: