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New York
Thursday, March 6, 2025

More Natterings

Courtesy of The Nattering Naybob

[Click on the titles for the full articles.]

A Quick $20 Trick?


Discussion, critique and analysis of the potential impacts on equity, bond, commodity, capital and asset markets regarding the following:

  • Last time out, Sinbad The Sailor, QuickLogic.
  • GlobalFoundries, Jha, Smartron and cricket.
  • Quick money, fungible, demographics, QUIK focus.

Last Time Out

Monetary policy is just one form of policy that effects capital, investment, jobs, wages, spending, asset bubbles and your standard of living. When any policy decision is based in false doctrine, you get distortions which can affect every facet of life. – The President's Analyst?

Weak productivity is symptomatic of a much larger problem. As for the illusion of rising wages, meaningful wage increases have not occurred in decades. The proof in that pudding can be found in one chart where both personal income and spending growth are in a steady 36 YEAR downtrend. – Mary Tyler Moore?

Due to monetary policy effects, some might be attempting to make up the difference between their wages and the cost of living. In chasing that elusive bag and buried market treasure, our theme for tonight's missive turns to a legendary character in an apropos plot…


Straighten Up and Fly Right?

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesday's With Morrie, it's time for Tuesdays With Trump… 

POTUS Trump’s budget blueprint comes as a surprise. Amid an 18 percent cut to the Department of Health and Human Services — including one-fifth of the National Institutes of Health’s budget — the administration has said it will prioritize funding for important anti-HIV activities. On the domestic front, the budget calls funding for Ryan White HIV/AIDS providers — a “high priority” it wants to continue.  – VOX

Trump's Vice President Mike Pence is familiar with the programs. From Pence's 2000 website, The Pence Agenda for the 107th Congress: A Guide to Renewing the American Dream:

"Congress should support the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only after completion of an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus. Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior."

Is the VP's intended message ringing similar to our apropos title du jour? Soon enought, now that the Evangelical Pence is VP, and only one heart beat away from being POTUS, he'll be telling people… No! wait! let him tell you in his own words…


The Housing "Recovery"?

A friend Nattered… 

"Part of the inventory is also that the banks are metering out the homes that they got from years back. We are seeing foreclosures in Mn that date back 2-4 years ago and have just been sitting vacant. Why do they do that ? Is it because they can't put them all out there.  My guess is that they would further depress the market and people would see how much stagnant inventory is still out there to be sold."

Spot on. Much like De Beer's and diamonds, if "ghost" inventory were flushed into the market, the price of a home might have been reasonable, but too late now in the "hot" areas where "suckers" have taken the bait.


Lilo and Rosie?

Rosie the kitten is adopted by a pack of Huskies!  Must see TV…

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