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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Natterings from the Naybob

Courtesy of The Nattering Naybob

[Click on titles for full articles.]

The American Dream: An Endangered Ethos?

At Danielle DiMartino Booth's The American Dream: An Endangered Ethos –

"It has been a dream of being able to grow to fullest development as man and woman, unhampered by the barriers which had slowly been erected in the older civilizations, unrepressed by social orders which had developed for the benefit of classes rather than for the simple human being of any and every class."  No more elegant words were ever written to ensure our ethos would never be endangered. And yet it is at risk of extinction today. It is high time we stand up for what is rightly ours and take back the American Dream for one and for all."

Ever excellent and mental viagra. Musing… Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Homes are sticks and bricks where people live their lives and raise families. All have the right to earn that dream which should not be denied by greedy serial flippers or serial landlords.

Our Corporate Anthem?

Once again, not to be mistaken for Tuesdays With Morrie, it's time for Tuesdays With Trump. Over at Philstockworld… High Finance for Real People – Fun and Profits… 

Muck – "As long as we allow corporations to buy congress critters we will get more of the same."

We Natter… Sixty-nine of the world’s 100 top economic entities are now corporations instead of countries. Juristic person hood could be the biggest sham ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting and naive public. SCOTUS holding that spending money is in any way related to the core of freedom of expression, is of dubious moral character, but it gets far worse my fiends, er friends…



Are You Credentialed?

StJL – Ackman's Pain – "So out of a $4.6 billion investment, Pershing Square got back about $874 million."

We Nattered… Proving that even so called accredited "experts" can get drunk on their own punch bowl. We covered Ackman's bankrupt investment philosophy and felonious folly in Platform Value: The Fall?  Along those lines, re my latest, A Quick $20 Trick, just had some PHD question my "credentials" and ask why he should believe me? The nerve, I don't know, but I'll tell ya… double entendre?

GH – I am old enough to understand the Nattering Nabob of Negativity, the last word of which you left out. This is the first article of yours I have read since I own QUICKLOGIC and so after reading your article and then looking up your description, there is nothing there about your experience, your degrees, whether you have a CFA or are you just a comedian having fun being negative. Why should I believe anything you say unless I see that you have a specialty in technology and really understand technology. For that matter do you really understand the benefits of "always on". These types of companies are easy to take a swipe at and are not very predictable. Have fun being a comic but I'll hang on to my QUIK.

My rejoinder was: GH or should I call you Thomas? – Our moniker was penned by Safire and uttered by a inarticulate and later disgraced Agnew. We too are well aware of the difference between NAY-bob and NA-boband Negativity.


A Squirrely Situation?

Or Felidae Sciuridae? Watch as a Mississippi couple's cat adopts a squirrel that now purrs like a kitten. Must see TV.

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