The Innovation Is the Blockchain…
Scott's deep dive into cryptocurrency, blockchain and initial coin offerings with NYU Stern finance professor David Yermack. Pre-order Scott's new book, "The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google."
Also watch,
Blockchain: Massively Simplified
Richie Etwaru, discusses the opportunity and implications of blockchain as a paradigm to slow/chose the expanding trust gap in commerce. He unpacks blockchain to a level of simplicity to be consumed by those that are just starting to understand and explore the paradigm. He lays out a current state of commerce, suggesting that every company is currently at risk of being disrupted or incurring severe strain from a blockchain version of itself.
Professionally, Richie Etwaru is a c-level at a Fortune 500 Company, an author, the owner of international patents, the founder of multiple ventures, an experienced keynote speaker, an angel investor, a member of advisory boards, and a recognized thought leader in the area of digital, technology, and design.
Blockchain is Eating Wall Street
Author of best seller "blockchain revolution", Alex share in this talk about how the blockchain the technology behind bitcoin Is changing money, business, and the world. Alex Tapscott is the CEO and Founder of Northwest Passage Ventures, a consulting firm focused on early-stage, high growth companies in the Canadian and U.S. Capital markets.