Dollar over 94. Very likely to testy 95 now.
Yep, such a healthy Global Economy. Move along, nothing to see here...
Silver and gold taking a hit:
I've got 2 long /SI now at $16.90 avg.
CELG/Albo - A stock down 20% in a day is generally waiting for an excuse to go lower. They lowered targets all the way out to 2020 but it is still $7 per now $96 share so p/e around 14 is not terrible so, if it's right for your portfolio, keep an eye on the short 2020 $80 puts, now $10 - as that's a nice entry and then maybe the $80 ($30)/110 ($16) bull call spread at $14 and you've netted in for $4 on the $30 spread that's 50% in the money. In fact, though I think we can do better, we can start with 5 units in the LTP as that costs us just $2,000 of our cash but makes $15,000 if CELG recovers in 2 years.
Keep in mind, Albo, that we intend to at least DD once on this small entry so if it goes lower, we'll be THRILLED to step up our position.