Wow, these Republicans have totally lost touch with Americans. They have come up with a figure of $1,182/yr that will be saved in taxes by the "average" American making the average $52,000 salary and the Dems are going to rip them to shreds by pulling examples of Trump officials who save $11,820,000 on their taxes and GOP Congressmen who save $1,182,000. "Is Paul Ryan 1,000 times better than you? Then ask the Republicans why he should get a 1,000 times bigger tax cut than you do?" This stuff writes itself!
Wow, boom goes /KC - blasting up to $130 (which is now the stop).
New trades/Pat - OK, now things are calming down so, as new trades (though I would not be quick to jump the gun):
- Sell 5 TEVA 2019 $12.50 puts for $3 ($1,500)
- Buy 1,000 shares TEVA for $11.91 ($11,910)
- Sell $10 TEVA 2019 $10 calls for $3.75 ($3,750)
That's net $6,660 for 1,000 shares of TEVA and the dividend is $1.09 (16%) while you wait to see if you get called away with a 50% gain.
- Sell 10 M 2020 $15 puts for $3 ($3,000)
- Buy 20 M 2020 $18 calls for $4.20 ($8,400)
- Sell 20 M 2020 $22 calls for $3.10 ($6,200)
That's a net credit of $800 with $8,000 more upside at $22 and the worst case is being assigned 1,000 shares at net $14.20, which is 25% below the current price. Upside potential is $8,800 (1,100%).
- Sell 10 CBI 2020 $12.50 puts for $4.10 ($4,100)
- Buy 20 CBI 2020 $12.50 calls for $5.60 ($11,200)
- Sell 20 CBI 2020 $20 calls for $3.40 ($6,800)
This one nets $300 on the $15,000 spread that's $4,000 in the money to start. Upside potential is $14,700 (4,900%) and worst case is owning 1,000 shares of CBI for $12.80, 15% below the current price.