We don't have DIS in the LTP, which is now up another $10,000 today at $594,588. Let's sell 10 2020 $95 puts for $8 ($8,000) and buy 15 2020 $90 ($17.80)/115 ($6) bull call spreads for $11.80 ($17,700) and that puts us in for net $9,700 on the $37,500 spread and we'll be selling 5 short calls for maybe $2 ($1,000 - the June $100s are $3) each Q to recoup much of that net $9,700.
We have 5 short May $105 calls in the Butterfly Portfolio that we sold for $3.20. Let's buy them back for 0.63 as it's doubtful we gain more than 0.30 on earnings (5/8) if they go lower but, if DIS flies higher - we could lose a lot more.