Now we're up $217,961 (36%) in our paired Long-Term and Short-Term Portfolios and that's up $44,185 from our last review, when I said I'd rather cash out than continue to risk our, at the time, 28.9% gains. Since we didn't cash out, we pressed our hedges AND since the market kept going up, we added more longs and, so far - it's all working out. As I said last month, as long as the indexes are holding their 50-day moving averages, we're not in immediate danger and this market seems to shake off everything that's thrown at it - so far.
On the whole, we haven't made too many adjustments to any of our portfolios this month as they are on a very good track and fairly well-balanced. Do keep in mind that we are failing (so far) at the lower high of 2,800 on the S&P (/ES), but once we're over that line - we have to seriously consider a whole new leg of the rally may be forming.
We still have $369,258 in cash and about $1M in margin remainin in our Long-Term Portfolio, so we're very flexible and that portfolio is our MOST invested. I'm still very risk-adverse in this market and yes, we could be making more if we were more aggressive but then again, we could blow it too - and that is what we're trying to avoid.
Long-Term Portfolio Review (LTP) Part 1: $643,761 is up an embarrassing $45,252 (9%) since our 5/17 review where I said I'd rather cash out ahead of the summer and come back in the fall. Luckily, you guys didn't let me take a nice vacation and we still have all these positions, which we hedged more heavily in the STP (see earlier review). Overall, we're up 28.8% for the year but that's 2% lower than yesterday - so it's a very volatile number and shouldn't be taken too seriously.