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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Top Trades for Thu, 22 Aug 2019 15:38 – THC

#4 in our series of 5 Trade Ideas to Make $25,000 in 5 Months is going to be Tenet Healthcare (THC) and we love them at $21.20, which is a $2.2Bn market cap for a company with $18Bn in sales and $250M in earnings.  You'll notice I kind of like to buy things when they get to P/E ratios of 10 or less because that means they are returning 10% on your money, which is very good vs. 0% for bonds these days.  

You don't need or expect growth when a company is trading at 10x earnings, we just want to make sure that they are not declining and, with THC, an aging population of Baby Boomers makes that very unlikely - talk about a growth industry! 

We are at the end of the first bar after 2000 and there's a huge jump ahead of us with 16M new old people hitting the hospitals in the next decade.  We have 40M now so that's 40% more potential payments so THC is a great long-term premise and it's just a matter of waiting for them to come back in favor as an investment.  

We've played THC several times over the years, usually around $15 but we're not going to be so lucky this time but all we're going to do is play them not to go lower than $20 into Jan 17th expirations and we'll be home free with the following trade:

  • Sell 10 THC Jan $20 puts for $2.20 ($2,200) 
  • Buy 20 THC Jan $15 calls for $7 ($14,000)
  • Sell 20 THC Jan $20 calls for $3.75 ($7,500) 

That's net $4,300 on the $10,000 spread so $5,700 (132%) upside potential is not as exciting as our other trade ideas but THC is a lot more of a blue chip so possibly the least risky of the set. 

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