By Adam Fields. Originally published at ValueWalk.
When it comes to investing, you’ve probably gone out of your way to do everything right. You maxed out your 401k and IRA, paid off any unnecessary debt, bought blue chip stocks, and maybe even hired an advisor. But given the volatility of today’s public markets and the ever shifting financial landscape of our world, now isn’t the time to call it a day and assume you’ll meet your financial goals without a hitch. Let’s be honest: the traditional stocks and bonds of Wall Street may not perform as well as they once did, and investors from all walks of life are questioning whether the traditional 60% stock and 40% bond portfolio will continue to meet their retirement income needs now and in the future. And with inflation at record highs, determining if you’ll have enough to retire comfortably has never been more important. That means it could be time to consider a modernized investment strategy that adapts to our changing economy.. One that’s grounded in low stock market correlation and involves a healthy diversification from more volatile holdings. Because when you ask yourself important questions like “is my portfolio diversified?” and “am I prepared for financial fallout in the wake of a crash?” each answer should never be anything other than a resounding “yes.”
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