Site Upgrades The Fun and the Dandy.


I figured it would be easier to keep you all updates on progress and issues here. All the latest updates will be in red.


We have seen an issue with the login aspects, there was a syncing issue that we have resolved. There may be a few stragglers that I may have to do manually. 

7/11 There is a script error in the membership section that is being fixed and addressed ETA 11 AM EST (FIXED)
7/12 If you subscription is not showing active please let me know.

7/12 You can now login with your linked in account and tie it to your account. Please login (

News Letters

Some people have not been receiving, This is being looked into.


Some people have not been receiving, This is being looked into.

Text Messages

Some people have not been receiving, This is being looked into.

Top Trades

Top Trades is online and can be viewed here:

This will be cleaned up for a better look and feel.


When you login it appears you don’t have a subscription. This issue is being worked on it is due to the login issues we were experiencing.

The member database has been fixed. There are still a few users that show they don’t have a subscription active and if you are one of them please let me know and I will get this fixed for you.


In the past the page would refresh automatically. Currently the chat bubble on the left will turn orange is there is a new comment, also there is a bell up top on the right that will let you know as well. Now you can be on any page and be notified of a comment. We will be looking into the page refresh as a user option down the road.

7/12 We are seeing an issue with the CDN where images are not showing properly.


I will be looking into any possible billing issues.

Thank you all for working with us as we go through the migration, something that has been put off for to long. Oh also all the fun configs and changes you can blame me (not Phil).

I will be updating this as we go!

Sorry for the delay in responding to all you tickets!

Last Update 7/12/2022 4:36 AM EST

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