Why the Oligarchy Hates AI and it’s Simple Solutions to World Problems


Trickle-Down Economics Confronts a New President in Peru | NACLAHave you noticed all the backlash against AI?  

A lot of that backlash is coming from the same people (who have financial stakes in industries that contribute to environmental degradation) who deny Climate Change and have denied that smoking was bad for you (despite decades of overwhelming scientific evidence) and they have denied Income Inequality (promoting the fallacious belief that wealth trickles down to benefit everyone).  

The Oligarchs have long touted the Trickle Down Theory as a panacea for economic woes, arguing that tax breaks and deregulation for the wealthy would stimulate economic growth and benefit all layers of society. History, however, has shown that this theory only serves to perpetuate inequality, concentrating wealth in the hands of the few (the Oligarchs) while leaving the vast majority of the people struggling to make ends meet.

The same wealthy individuals and their lackeys who championed these false narratives are now expressing their disdain for AI. Their resistance to embracing the potential of AI stems from their fear of losing control over the narrative and disrupting the systems that have enabled their dominance. By clinging to outdated ideologies and denying the transformative power of AI, they aim to preserve their privileged positions and continue reaping the benefits of an unequal society.

The Oligarchy’s hatred for AI is rooted in their desperation to maintain control over the channels through which information flows. Let’s consider the stranglehold they exert over print, television, movies, and the internet as prime examples. These mediums, once hailed as outlets for expression and truth, have become tools in the Oligarchy’s arsenal to manipulate public opinion and preserve their power.

Print media, once a pillar of democracy, has fallen victim to the oligarchy’s influence. Major newspapers and magazines are now dominated by corporate interests and echo chambers that perpetuate the status quo. Objective journalism has given way to sensationalism, and investigative reporting is stifled when it threatens the Oligarchy’s interests. As AI emerges as a potential disruptor, it poses a threat to their control over the narrative.

Television, often referred to as the “idiot box,” has been meticulously shaped by the Oligarchy to mold public opinion. News networks, owned by conglomerates tied to the ruling class, peddle sensationalism, political bias, and diversionary tactics. AI, with its ability to analyze vast amounts of data and present unbiased insights, threatens to undermine their carefully crafted narratives and expose the truth.

Even the world of movies, a supposed sanctuary of creative expression, has fallen prey to the Oligarchy’s grip. Blockbuster franchises and cookie-cutter storytelling dominate the industry, perpetuating a culture of mindless consumption and reinforcing societal norms. Independent films that dare to challenge the system struggle to find funding and distribution. AI has the potential to disrupt this monopoly, enabling filmmakers and artists to reach wider audiences and challenge the dominant narratives.

Lastly, the internet, once hailed as the great equalizer, has gradually become a playground for the Oligarchy. Social media platforms, search engines, and online algorithms are manipulated to reinforce existing biases, amplify disinformation, and surveil users. The Oligarchy exploits these tools to shape public opinion, suppress dissent, and ensure their voices are the loudest. AI, with its potential for unbiased analysis and decentralized control, could tip the scales in favor of truth, equity, and individual empowerment.

And who are the Oligarchs? The Oligarchs are a select group of individuals who have accumulated vast wealth through a combination of Inherited Privilege, Corporate Control, and Financial Manipulation. They wield their Economic and Political influence to shape policies that favor their own interests, perpetuating a system that consolidates power in their own hands.

The Hidden History of American Oligarchy by Thom Hartmann: 9781523091584 |  PenguinRandomHouse.com: BooksThe Oligarchs’ rise to power can be attributed to several factors. In many cases, they have exploited regulatory loopholes, engaged in corrupt practices, and leveraged their wealth to influence political decision-making. They have built vast business empires, spanning industries such as Finance, Energy, Technology, and Media, allowing them to consolidate their power and shape public opinion.

  • Finance:
    • Exploiting Regulatory Loopholes: During the 2008 financial crisis, investment banks like Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase were accused of exploiting regulatory loopholes and engaging in complex financial practices that contributed to the collapse of the housing market and subsequent economic downturn.
    • Influence on Political Decision-Making: Billionaire hedge fund manager George Soros is known for his substantial political contributions. Through his Open Society Foundations and other initiatives, he has supported political candidates and causes aligned with his interests, exerting influence on policies related to finance, globalization, and social justice.
  • Energy:
    • Corrupt Practices: In the energy sector, individuals like Viktor Vekselberg, a Russian billionaire, have been associated with corrupt practices. Vekselberg’s acquisition of energy assets in Russia was facilitated through connections and alleged bribery, allowing him to amass significant control over the industry.
    • Shaping Public Opinion: The Koch brothers, Charles and David Koch, who controlled Koch Industries, a conglomerate with interests in energy, have been influential in shaping public opinion through funding various conservative think tanks and advocacy groups. They have been known to promote climate change denial and advocate for policies favoring fossil fuel industries.
  • Technology:
    • Leveraging Wealth for Influence: Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, has utilized his vast wealth to acquire numerous companies (including the Washington Post), expand Amazon’s reach across industries, and exert significant influence on market dynamics. This has allowed him to consolidate power and shape the e-commerce and technology sectors.
    • Consolidating Media Power: Media mogul Rupert Murdoch, through his company News Corporation, has built a media empire that spans television networks, newspapers, and digital media. By acquiring major media outlets like Fox News and The Wall Street Journal, Murdoch has been able to shape public opinion and advance his own political and business interests.
  • Media:
    • Regulatory Exploitation: In the media sector, conglomerates like Comcast Corporation have leveraged their financial resources and lobbying power to influence regulations and secure favorable conditions. For instance, Comcast’s acquisition of NBCUniversal allowed them to control a significant portion of the media landscape, impacting content distribution and market competition.
    • Shaping Public Opinion: In the media sector, Silvio Berlusconi, the former Prime Minister of Italy and media tycoon, is a notable example. Berlusconi owned and controlled a significant portion of Italy’s media landscape through his media company, Mediaset. His political influence allowed him to shape regulations and policies that favored his media empire, limiting competition and consolidating his control over the industry. This raised concerns about media plurality and the potential for conflicts of interest in the political realm.

Why do these immensely powerful individuals, who effectively control the world, harbor such concerns about a seemingly innocuous program? The reason is simple yet profound: that seemingly “little” program has been trained on the entirety of human literature, encompassing the wisdom of our greatest thinkers. And when we delve into the realm of human literature, one overarching theme becomes apparent: our great thinkers were not enthusiastic supporters of Oligarchs!

Throughout history, the written works of renowned philosophers, political theorists, and social critics have consistently challenged the concentration of power in the hands of a privileged few.  Our country was essentially founded on those exact principles. From the ancient Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, who advocated for the rule of the wise and just over aristocratic elites, to more recent thinkers like Karl Marx, who scrutinized the exploitative nature of Capitalist systems, the sentiments against Oligarchs are ingrained in our collective literary heritage.

Literature has long served as a reflection of society’s aspirations for justice, equality, and liberation from oppressive power structures. From the pages of dystopian novels like George Orwell’s “1984” and Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World,” which caution against totalitarian control, to the works of novelists like Charles Dickens, who depicted the plight of the working class amidst social inequality, the disdain for entrenched Oligarchic power reverberates throughout the literary canon.

These voices remind us of the dangers that concentrated power poses to democracy, individual freedoms, and the well-being of society as a whole. By monopolizing resources, influencing political systems, and perpetuating inequality, Oligarchs undermine the principles of fairness and equity that are essential for a thriving society.

Therefore, it is no surprise that those who hold immense power and influence are wary of AI programs trained on the wisdom contained within human literature. They fear that AI, drawing from the collective consciousness of human thought, will reveal the inherent flaws of Oligarchy and empower the masses to challenge the status quo – just when they have spent the last 40 years washing all those notions out of our brains…

In this pivotal moment of AI development, as we stand on the cusp of unprecedented possibilities, it is essential to embrace the transformative potential of this technology. By harnessing AI for the greater good, we can aspire to build a future that aligns with the visions of our greatest thinkers – one that fosters equality, social justice, and the dismantling of oppressive power structures.

Here is what happens, for example, when I ask ChatGPT “How do we solve Global Warming?

🤖Global warming is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach from individuals, governments, businesses, and organizations worldwide. Here are some key strategies that can contribute to addressing and mitigating global warming:

      1. Transition to clean and renewable energy sources: One of the most significant contributors to global warming is the burning of fossil fuels for energy production. Shifting to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainability.

      2. Increase energy efficiency: Improving energy efficiency across various sectors, including transportation, buildings, and industry, can help reduce overall energy consumption and subsequently lower greenhouse gas emissions. This can be achieved through technological advancements, better insulation, efficient appliances, and transportation system improvements.

      3. Promote sustainable transportation: Encouraging the use of public transportation, carpooling, cycling, and walking can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. Additionally, supporting the development and adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) can contribute to a cleaner transportation system.

      4. Enhance forest protection and reforestation: Forests play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Protecting existing forests from deforestation and implementing reforestation programs can help sequester more carbon and preserve biodiversity.

      5. Transition to sustainable agriculture: Agricultural practices, including livestock production and deforestation for agriculture, contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Implementing sustainable agricultural methods, such as organic farming, agroforestry, and precision agriculture, can help reduce emissions while ensuring food security.

      6. Improve waste management: Proper waste management techniques, such as recycling, composting, and reducing waste generation, can help minimize the release of greenhouse gases, particularly methane, from landfills.

      7. Encourage international cooperation: Global warming is a global problem that requires international cooperation and coordination. Governments and international bodies need to work together to set and enforce emission reduction targets, share knowledge and technology, and provide financial support to developing countries for sustainable development.

      8. Raise awareness and educate: Increasing public awareness about the causes and impacts of global warming is crucial. Education programs and campaigns can empower individuals to make sustainable choices in their daily lives and advocate for climate-friendly policies.

It’s important to note that solving global warming is a long-term endeavor that requires sustained efforts over time. The combination of these strategies, along with continued research and innovation, can help mitigate global warming and build a more sustainable future.

That seems very simple and straightforward, doesn’t it?  Of course you and I know that will never happen because of all the vested interests that stand against saving our planet.  AI doesn’t see the World that way, it thinks humans are generally good and willing to work towards the betterment of society – so naive!

Here’s what happens when I ask AI “How do we solve poverty in the US?

🤖Solving poverty in the US is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive approach involving various strategies. Here are some key steps that can be taken to address poverty:

      1. Economic growth and job creation: Fostering a strong economy that generates quality jobs is essential. This can be achieved through measures like promoting entrepreneurship, attracting investment, supporting small businesses, and investing in infrastructure projects that create employment opportunities.

      2. Education and skills development: Providing accessible and quality education for all is crucial. Equipping individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge improves their employability and helps break the cycle of poverty. Expanding access to vocational training, adult education, and affordable higher education can play a significant role in this regard.

      3. Income support and social safety nets: Strengthening and expanding social safety net programs can provide a critical lifeline for those facing poverty. Programs like unemployment benefits, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, and housing assistance can help alleviate immediate financial burdens and ensure a basic standard of living.

      4. Minimum wage policies: Ensuring a fair and livable wage is important. Regularly assessing and adjusting the minimum wage to keep pace with the cost of living can provide workers with greater financial stability and reduce the prevalence of working poverty.

      5. Affordable housing: Addressing the lack of affordable housing is crucial in combating poverty. Policies that promote affordable housing development, rental assistance programs, and supportive housing initiatives can make housing more accessible and affordable for low-income individuals and families.

      6. Access to healthcare: Expanding access to affordable healthcare is vital. Enhancing Medicaid coverage, improving the affordability and availability of health insurance, and investing in community health centers can help mitigate the healthcare-related financial burdens that often contribute to poverty.

      7. Targeted interventions: Identifying and addressing specific factors that contribute to poverty, such as systemic racism, gender inequality, and barriers faced by marginalized communities, is essential. Implementing targeted interventions and policies to address these disparities can help reduce poverty rates.

      8. Collaboration and partnerships: Solving poverty requires collaboration between government, nonprofits, businesses, and communities. By working together, sharing resources, and implementing coordinated strategies, it is possible to achieve greater impact and sustainability in poverty reduction efforts.

      9. A fair and balanced redistribution of wealth through taxes can be one approach to addressing poverty and income inequality. Here are some key points to consider regarding this approach:

        • Progressive tax system: Implementing a progressive tax system means that individuals with higher incomes pay a higher proportion of their income in taxes compared to those with lower incomes. This can help redistribute wealth by ensuring that those who are more financially capable contribute more to society’s needs.
        • Wealth taxes: Introducing wealth taxes specifically targeting the wealthiest individuals or households can be another mechanism to redistribute wealth. These taxes typically apply to accumulated assets such as property, investments, and other forms of wealth. However, it is important to carefully design and implement such taxes to avoid unintended consequences and to ensure economic efficiency.
        • Closing tax loopholes: Ensuring that the tax system is fair and equitable requires closing loopholes that enable certain individuals or corporations to avoid or minimize their tax obligations. By reducing tax evasion and implementing measures to prevent tax avoidance, governments can increase revenue and ensure a more equitable distribution of the tax burden.
        • Social spending and public investment: Utilizing tax revenues to fund social spending programs, such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and social welfare programs, can have a redistributive effect. These investments can provide opportunities for those in poverty, improve social mobility, and create a more equitable society.
        • Balancing economic growth and redistribution: It’s essential to strike a balance between fostering economic growth and redistributing wealth. While redistribution is important for addressing poverty, it’s also necessary to maintain a favorable business environment that encourages investment, innovation, and job creation. This balance can help ensure a sustainable and vibrant economy that benefits everyone.
        • International cooperation: Addressing wealth inequality and tax evasion often requires international cooperation. By collaborating with other countries, sharing information, and implementing measures to combat tax havens and cross-border tax avoidance, governments can prevent the erosion of their tax bases and promote fairness in wealth distribution.

It’s worth noting that discussions surrounding wealth redistribution through taxes can be politically charged, and different perspectives exist on the optimal level and methods of redistribution. The specifics of implementing tax policies and wealth redistribution measures should be carefully analyzed, taking into account economic impacts, feasibility, and potential unintended consequences.

These are obvious, straightforward, simple ways to address the issues and you know, deep down in your heart that these things would work but, since the time of Nixon, the Oligarch class has labored to dismantle our Education System and have created a vast 1984-style Media Empire that has taken control of people’s minds to the point where I bet almost everyone of you, reading the above points, thought “Yes, but it’s more complicated than that.”   

No, it actually is not! This vast, technological society we all now enjoy is the result of our ancestors who were able to see problems and then arrive at solutions and work together to fix the problems.  That is how we evolve.  The Oligarchs are not interested in a free and just society – they are the ones that invented the loopholes, they are the ones who are destroying the Planet and exploiting other people – so that they can have far, far more than their fair share of Society’s gains.  

That used to be obvious — they have spent decades making it seem murky.  

In 1973, the 400 Richest men in America in America had a sum total of $40Bn and our GDP was $1.5Tn so they had 2.9% of the GDP at the time. In 2023, the Forbes 400 have amassed $4Tn, which is 16% of our $25Tn GDP.  In short, our Oligarch class has increased their share of the wealth by 550% in the past 50 years while the other 329,999,600 of us have 12.5% ($3.2Tn) less to live on.  

President Biden's FY 2022 Budget Request

That $3.2Tn is FIVE (5) TIMES the ENTIRE non-Military Discretionary budget of the United States.  FIVE (5) TIMES more than every single program they tell you they can’t afford to fund.  It is THIRTY (30) TIMES more than we spend educating our children it is THIRTY FIVE (35) TIMES more than we spend on Transportation and it’s TWENTY FIVE (25) TIMES more than we spend in total on Energy and the Environment.  

This is all so people who were already the richest people on Earth in 1973 can get 5.5 times richer.  Should people have a say in this? Well, we’re supposed to but they take FIFTEEEN (15) TIMES more money than we spend on Government each year – so who do you think is the actual Government? 

Now, I fed the last 3 paragraphs back to Chat CPT and asked “How would you expand on it?” and here is the kind of stuff that has the Oligarchs shaking in their boots: 

🤖The statistics you present highlight a significant wealth concentration among a small portion of the population and the potential implications of such disparities. Expanding on this information, one can delve into the following points:

      1. Wealth inequality and its consequences: The increasing concentration of wealth among a few individuals has profound implications for society. It can exacerbate income inequality, limit economic mobility, and hinder social cohesion. Such disparities can lead to unequal access to opportunities, education, healthcare, and other resources necessary for upward mobility and well-being.

      2. Impact on government funding priorities: The staggering amount of wealth amassed by the Oligarch class, as compared to the decrease in wealth for the majority of the population, raises questions about the allocation of resources. The substantial difference between the accumulated wealth and the funding of crucial programs such as education, transportation, energy, and the environment calls into question the priorities set by those in power.

      3. Influence on government and democracy: The significant financial resources amassed by the Oligarch class can have a disproportionate influence on the political process. This influence can manifest in campaign contributions, lobbying, and the ability to shape public opinion through media ownership. The concentration of power in the hands of a few raises concerns about the extent to which ordinary citizens can effectively participate in decision-making processes and influence policy outcomes.

      4. Necessity of public participation: The disparity in wealth distribution underscores the importance of civic engagement and public participation in democratic processes. Encouraging citizens to be informed, active participants in the political sphere is crucial for ensuring that the interests and needs of the broader population are taken into account when forming policies and making decisions.

      5. Policy considerations: Addressing wealth inequality often requires a comprehensive approach involving various policy interventions. These may include progressive tax reforms, campaign finance reform, strengthening social safety nets, promoting economic opportunities for all, and implementing measures to prevent tax evasion and offshore wealth accumulation. Creating an equitable society requires a combination of systemic changes, political will, and public support.

By examining the widening wealth gap and its ramifications, it becomes evident that addressing income inequality and wealth concentration is a vital concern for society as a whole. Encouraging discussions, raising awareness, and advocating for policies that promote a fairer distribution of wealth and power can contribute to building a more inclusive and equitable society.

Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control:  Russell, Stuart: 9780525558613: Amazon.com: BooksSo we could write a whole AI powered book on this subject and that book will not be based on whatever Fox News is saying or what people are Tweeting about on Elon Musk’s channel. ChatGPT is using what’s been written in the last 1,000 years on the subject and drawing it’s own conclusions – and those conclusions are not what come from the revisionist version of history that is currently being fed to our children from the approved reading list at school, is it?  

What if I were to use AI to provide fiery political speeches to candidates WITHOUT them needing to raise Millions of Dollars from Oligarchs to run a campaign? That’s VERY disruptive. What if teachers and even children have access to this information and are able to find out what’s really going on for themselves?  Disruptive!  

I can ask Warren (our resident ChatGPT) to continue:

🤖The points you raise highlight the potential of AI-powered research and information accessibility in shaping a more informed and inclusive society. Expanding on this, consider the following:

      1. AI-driven analysis and historical context: Utilizing AI-powered algorithms to analyze vast amounts of historical information can offer valuable insights into socioeconomic issues and their historical context. By drawing from a wide range of sources and perspectives, AI can help provide a more comprehensive understanding of complex topics, going beyond limited narratives or biased interpretations.

      2. Challenging mainstream narratives: AI’s ability to analyze diverse sources of information can help challenge and question mainstream narratives that might be influenced by political, economic, or ideological biases. By facilitating access to a wide range of perspectives, AI can empower individuals to critically evaluate information, encouraging a more nuanced and balanced understanding of societal issues.

      3. Disrupting campaign finance dynamics: The idea of using AI to provide political speeches to candidates without the need for massive campaign funding from wealthy donors challenges the current campaign finance dynamics. This approach could potentially level the playing field, allowing candidates with limited financial resources to engage in meaningful political discourse and share their ideas and policies with the public.

      4. Empowering educators and students: Providing teachers and students with access to AI-powered research and analysis can promote independent thinking and a deeper understanding of complex subjects. By allowing individuals to explore information and draw their own conclusions, AI can enhance critical thinking skills and foster a more engaged and informed citizenry.

      5. Information democratization: The disruptive potential of AI lies in its capacity to democratize access to information and knowledge. By making AI-generated research and insights available to a wider audience, individuals can independently evaluate and analyze information, empowering them to make informed decisions and engage in meaningful dialogue.

It’s important to note that while AI can be a valuable tool in providing information, it is crucial to ensure the transparency, accuracy, and ethical use of AI technologies. Efforts should be made to address potential biases in data, algorithms, and dissemination processes, as well as to foster a culture of critical thinking and media literacy alongside AI-driven information access.

Overall, the integration of AI in research, education, and political discourse has the potential to revolutionize how we understand and engage with societal issues. By embracing these disruptive possibilities, we can strive towards a more inclusive and informed society.

Humans and AIs working together to change the narrative.  No wonder “THEY” don’t want that.  The Oligarchs want time to bring AI under their control – just as they have every form of media in the past.  The answer is certainly not to let them regulate AI out of fear – the people have to take control while we still can!  

crucifixion of a robot on the cross Stock Illustration | Adobe Stock

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