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New York
Thursday, June 27, 2024

EU Approves Green Milestone: 20% Restoration By 2030

The EU has narrowly passed a landmark law to restore at least 20% of its land and sea by the end of the decade. This comes amidst fierce protests from farmers and significant political wrangling. The vote, held in Luxembourg, marked a significant milestone for the European Green Deal. Despite strong opposition from several member states and internal disputes, particularly in Austria, the law received enough support to pass. The contentious proposal faced near-collapse multiple times. This included Hungary’s sudden withdrawal of support and the final uncertainty over Austria’s vote. “Today marks a significant day for Europe as we transition from merely protecting and conserving nature to actively restoring it,” said César Luena, Spain. The law, seen as critical for reversing biodiversity loss, was ultimately approved with a wafer-thin majority.

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