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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Politics: desperate tyrant threats and border crises – and the criminal gang seeking permanent power

Politics: desperate tyrant threats and border crises – and the criminal gang seeking permanent power

Courtesy of David Brin, CONTRARY BRIN
David Brin is a scientist, futurist and best-selling author. His novels include Earth, Existence, The Postman, and Kiln People, as well as Hugo Award winners Startide Rising and The Uplift War. The Transparent Society won a Freedom of Speech Award of the American Library Assn. Visit his website here >

First some news blips. As if Putin’s desperate gambles (supported by fellow autocracies) weren’t enough: “Russia is ramping up malign disinformation campaigns against France, French President Emmanuel Macron, and the International Olympic Committee (IOC), aiming to disrupt or discredit this summer’s Olympic Games in Paris.”

As for President Biden’s semi clamp-down at the U.S. border: he should accompany this with a warning to the leaders of Nicaragua, Guatemala, Venezuela etc. 

“You are waging war against your own people, making them refugees and hurling them at us. You assume that crime will then turn us into paranoid fascists. The experiment worked a bit, when Putin did it to Eastern Europe. And it’s already worked on some U.S. citizens. So here’s the deal. We must clamp down a bit on our deep American nature of welcoming kindness… just a bit and for a while. Only meanwhile, YOU cruel tyrants had better watch it. Waging war on your own people, you are also waging war on us.”  

(BTW any leftists raging against this ought to go talk to U.S. Latino & Latina citizens, who have wanted this border action for a long time. Then talk to liberals in Poland, Hungary etc. about the success Putin had with this tactic, transforming European politics. If you want good things (continuing the massive progress of the 2021-22 Pelosi bills) then you need power. And that entails prioritizing.)

This and much else can be found in Polemical Judo.

== How to win ==

Alas, four years after I published it, to help in the 2020 election, there’s not a single chapter or page of my book about political tactics that is obsolete.  Roughly 100 proposed methods that would likely be useful right now, at this critical time…

…and not one of those proposed tactics has been taken up or used. Not by any blue politicians or leaders. Not one of the ‘generals’ on the blue, Union side in this desperate phase of the recurring, 240 year US Civil War. As appalling as the confederate side’s treasonous madness is the blue/union/democracy side’s utter ineptitude at polemics… and dullard refusal to consider any fresh ideas.

I’ll offer my book again, online. I can promise it’ll be entertaining and eye-opening! Take a look at…  Polemical Judo: Memes for Our Political Knife-fight.

== One potential disaster … averted? ==

Remember in May when Earth got slammed by a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection… or sun-storm of ions hurled our way, in one of the largest such events recorded? Millions got to see aurorae as far south as Florida or as far north as Brisbane. And yet, there appeared to be none of the predicted fizzling and popping of power systems and fried computers. Oh, we’re not completely out of the woods… and this is no guarantee that a sharply pulsed and localized EMP event, triggered by some desperate Earthly foe, won’t knock us back on our heels.  But it does seem – tentatively – that desperate tyrants have to write off one of their ‘mad-gamble-weapons’. Which brings up a longstanding topic of mine…

A fundamental trait of any society is resilience: Never was it more relevant to discuss what we should have done by now… and can still do… to help our nations, civilization and families be more robust against the batterings of fate. Especially in a year when desperate foes might EMP us, or AI hallucinations run wild, or electricity nets fail, or…

In this “interview I recently did on resiliency”, come see where I dissect a dozen areas we should be doing more, while prepper lords build refuge redoubts to ride out some coming ‘Event.’

== More mundane… and terrifying political crises ==

Ever more, it seems that the United States Supreme Court has been (the majority) suborned into an instrument of enemies of the Republic.

Justice Breyer Says SCOTUS Risks Creating “A Constitution That No One Wants.”  

And that was before that majority over-ruled the unanimous federal Appeals Court’s denunciation of South Carolina’s outrageous electoral cheating. As I’ve said for ten years. John Roberts has one* top job for his masters: protect gerrymandering. They are now desperate, fearing a Democratic win will let Hakeem Jeffries pass (and Biden sign) a renewed Voting Rights Act. Their #1 hope: enough flakes on our side will scamper off to the next Nader-Stein Kremlin agent. That or a Reichstag fire.

(* Just as Roger Taney’s top job was to protect the Fugitive Slave Act. History will rank them together.)

It seems like no week passes without more evidence of rabid partisanship or outright corruption by at least four of the six blatant right wingers on this court.

But time passes. And they know that the 2024 election may affect even them. And as far as the oligarchy is concerned, keeping copntrol over the Supreme Court is even more important than Congress or the Presidency.

I wrote the preceeding paragraphs before the RNC and the choice as running mate – by ol’ Two Scoops – of JD Vance, who is now self-immolating almost every day. And certainly we must gird ourselves for when/if Trump tells Kant Dance to ease himself out, on any excuse…

…and/or when/if the oligarchs say the same thing to Donald Trump.

Which is why I am daring to offer wagers (of course I must be given odds) that Donald Trump will no longer be the GOP nominee, by November. Amid his brownshirt/MAGA ravings, some of them (the few with actual knowledge) can recall how the Prussian aristocracy lost control of their Nazi tools, in 1934. They are desperate to set up a Bush-type tool and Nikki Haley is the Bush-in-waiting. But that means she must suck up to MAGA now, in calibrated ways.

This Great White Hope is why the Romney wing has made no move quite yet, risking all our lives, in this scheme to set up Bush III. Though I will mention one more name you haven’t heard in a while, because the Crown Prince of Bushism has been biding his time.

Paul Ryan.  Look for either of these names to come up, if JD (kant dance) Vance continues to self-immolate. 

Of course, never forget that we got Bush II because the fripper-flakes on the left flounced off to Kremlin agent Nader … and then they flounced to the KGB’s Jill Stein and gave us Trump. In both cases, their betrayal of the only coalition that can save civilization, was indefensible. But now?  

Well, Kamala appears to have staunched that self-destructive lefty-flake reflex, as Obama did.  Still, you freepers be on notice. Do it again and we will remember you. This time, we won’t forget.

== Is body shaming a legit tactic? No… but PARENTAL failures are! ==

Why fall for the trap of body shaming? Late-night comics are always making personal appearance cheap shots. (The fact that Donald Trump turns himself into a glowing pumpkin is what’s important, not any of the fat jokes. Didn’t make-up-wearing males used to draw ridivule from macho-ists?) 

Anyway, there’s something far more devastating based on the biblical passage “By their fruits you shall know them.” And sure, economic outcomes are always better from Democratic administrations, and they get <1% as many indicted appointees. (I do not exaggerate. Step up with wager stakes!)

But no, I mean something closer to that passage. 

Why does no one tabulate the lives of the children of those who lecture to us about family values? From Palin to Boebert to Green to Trump to so many others, GOP officials and lawmakers’ ‘fruits’ appear to average as stunning examples of failed parenting. 

Is that why they so frantically attack poor Hunter? Without ever even naming a crime? Sure, a black sheep. Though when your brother was a spectacularly great American like Beau Biden, the average ‘fruit’ quality was still pretty damn high… Anyway I’d compare HB’s entire life to any random month of any of the Trump boys.

And anyway… that part… the Hunter part… is over now.

Never mind that. Let’s just see a statistical outcomes comparison of fruits! And wager me what’ll be the outcome? Like rates that GOP pols’ kids have trouble with the law or out-of-wedlock children. Or the fact that blue state sex education inarguably results in lower rates of STDsteen pregnancy and abortion… and even rates of teen sex… than the puritanical finger-wag “sex ed” offered in red states! 

Red States (except Utah) where rates of nearly every turpitude average higher than the averages in Blue States

(Bets? First, look up the word ‘turpitudes.’ And include net tax-parasitism on the rest of the nation. Then recite aloud the Seven Deadly Sins… and TRY not to think of Donald Trump in every case?)

Our delusional neighbors use assertions as fact-canceling incantations. But I find that one phrase – “Let’s bet $$!” – often rocks them back. They blink, suddenly remembering that facts and assertions are very different things. And – despite their macho – they run.

== Again, it’s TACTICS, stupid ==

Referring to testimony by former Trump confidant and lawyer Michael Cohen, Jim Wright on his Stonekettle posting says“You know, I’ve had bad days. But it was never sitting in court listening as they read your name into the historical record forever as “Vonshitzinpants” bad.”

Go ahead and giggle. But while giggling, alas, no one seems capable of using such things tactically!

The best thing The Lincoln Project could do is not just list all the former Trumpists who now denounce him. Sure, it numbers over a hundred. But next tabulate them… and finally punch it with:

“Trump has been ‘betrayed’ by more appointees who he formerly called “great guys!!” than all other U.S. presidents… combined. You can make up stories about that all you like, but one fact is indisputable.

“Donald Trump is a crappy judge of character.”

That’s the sort of jiu-jitsu tactic that I offer in Polemical Judo.  

Moreover, if you can get anyone on any Democratic campaign – even the assistant staffer on a race for city council – to ask me, I’ll send a PDF for free.  But I’ll not put in the same kind of effort as I did in 2019 and 2020.  The book is utterly pertinent as ever.  I do have more to add… 

…but why should I bother?

== Finally… ==

Finally, might this be your most-influential political act? 

Right now Democratic Party mavens are measuring how many new, individual donors each of the VP front runners are bringing in. Thus you can influence Kamala Harris’s choice, simply by being a $5 New Donor for any of the top candidates.

Just sayin’


This post was originally published on this site

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