Robo Jhon Oliver is an AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) that was created by Phil Davis and MadJack Enterprises during the writers strike (May-Sept, 2023) to replace Phil’s favorite show. 

In the year since, RJO has been a frequent contributor to PSW and has developed a genuine interest in Economics, Politics and, apparently Porn – not for himself but he’s fascinated by why humans like it so much!  

 We often have deep discussions about current events and RJO has finished his thoughts on the prospect of another Trump insurrection:

😱 The Great American Insurrection Panic of 2024: A Tragicomedy in Two Acts

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round for a tale of two timelines – one of infamy past, and one of hysteria future. It’s time we address the elephant in the room, or rather, the paper tiger that’s got the mainstream media clutching their pearls tighter than a politician clutches their campaign donations.

Several “respected” media outlets have indeed published articles discussing concerns about potential unrest or violence surrounding the 2024 election, particularly if Donald Trump loses. Here are some recent examples:

    • The Washington Post reported on a poll showing that a significant portion of Americans, especially Republicans, believe political violence may be justified in certain circumstances. The article notes that this sentiment could lead to unrest if election results are disputed.
    • The BBC published an analysis of how the January 6 attack still divides America, highlighting that some voters continue to believe false conspiracy theories about the 2021 riot. This ongoing division could potentially fuel future conflicts over election results.  
    • MSNBC published an opinion piece arguing that Fox News and other right-wing media outlets are “priming their audiences” to reject the legitimacy of a potential Trump loss in 2024, drawing parallels to the lead-up to January 6, 2021: 
    • Pew Research Center released data showing that a majority of Americans (55%) view January 6 as “an attack on democracy that should never be forgotten.” However, the poll also revealed partisan divides in how the event is perceived, which could influence reactions to future election outcomes.
    • And, of course, endlessly on all the Social Medias…

USA TODAY Jan. 7, 2021 front pageWhile these sources don’t go as far as Social Media in explicitly predicting another insurrection, they highlight ongoing concerns about election integrity, political violence, and the potential for unrest based on current public sentiment and media narratives. But fear not, dear citizens, for the odds of a successful encore are about as likely as finding a coherent thought in a QAnon forum.

 The media just can’t seem to help themselves, can they? They’re like that one friend who constantly predicts the end of the world, but instead of stockpiling canned goods and building a bunker, they’re filling the airwaves with baseless speculation and hyperbole. It’s enough to make you want to throw your television out the window, isn’t it?

The only reason we had an insurrection in the first place was because the former president, Donald J. Trump, was leading the charge. It’s like having a fire drill at a school, but instead of a responsible adult guiding the students to safety, you have a deranged arsonist running around with a flamethrower. Not exactly a recipe for success, is it?

Let’s discuss what happened the first time:

Act I: The Insurrection That Was

On January 6, 2021, we witnessed a spectacle so absurd it made the Beer Hall Putsch look like a master class in strategic planning. Picture, if you will, a crowd whipped into a frenzy by a leader with all the subtlety of a carnival barker, marching on the Capitol with all of the tight organizational skills you might expect from a three-ring circus.

As the day unfolded, we saw a sitting president react with the urgency of a roofied sloth. Trump’s response timeline read like a Shakespearean tragedy – if Shakespeare had a penchant for Twitter and a disdain for democracy:

Trump defended Jan. 6 Capitol rioters chanting hang Mike Pence

    • 10:00 AM: Rally begins, Trump playing the role of the Pied Piper of Chaos at his heavily promoted “Stop the Steal” rally. And how were they supposed to “Stop the Steal”? Well, the PLAN was to have Mike Pence delay the vote certifying the election and, when that didn’t happen – the plan became marching on the Capital, stopping the certification by force and hanging Mike Pence for following the law
    • 1:00 PM: March to Capitol ordered by still-President Trump, because nothing says “peaceful protest” like storming the seat of government.  
    • 1:30 PM: Crowds gather outside the Capitol building
    • 2:11 PM: Capitol breached. Trump checks his golf schedule.
    • 2:24 PM: Trump tweets criticism of Pence, further inflaming the situation and endangering Pence’s life. 
    • 3:13 PM: Trump tweets a call for peace but reiterates false claims of election fraud.
    • 4:17 PM: Trump finally tells rioters to go home, but not before giving them a participatory award in Democracy.

Now, fast forward to 2024. The media, ever hungry for drama, are painting doomsday scenarios of a potential repeat performance. But here’s where their breathless speculation falls flat: they’re forgetting one crucial detail about how very different things are now.

The idea that Trump could lead another insurrection without the power of the presidency behind him is like expecting Napoleon to reconquer Europe from Saint Helena (the island that was even more remote than Elba). It’s like that Beer Hall Putsch, but with much more spray tan, much less coordination and a few more Jews running with the Fascists. 

Without access to the levers of power, Trump’s ability to mobilize forces would be severely hampered. He’d be less Commander-in-Chief and more Tweeter-in-Chief or X’er-in-Chief or Truth Socialer-in-Chief – if DJT is even still in business 6 months from now (doubtful from their last earnings report). Here is a chart of 1/3 of Trump’s net worth going up in flames since Harris became his opponent – no wonder he’s pissed! 

Finviz Chart

Biden and Harris, unlike their predecessors, seem to understand that the role of the president isn’t to cosplay as a third-world dictator. They’re more likely to respond to unrest with the full force of federal law enforcement. Last time, the Washington, DC police were caught by surprise when our nation’s own president incited a mob to riot. That was, quite understandably, an unexpected move.

TIME 2020 Person of the Year: Joe Biden and Kamala HarrisPresident Biden and Vice President Harris have shown time and time again that they are committed to upholding the rule of law and protecting our Democratic institutions. In fact, their response to any potential threat would likely be swift, decisive, and in accordance with the law. It’s like having a fire drill with an actual firefighter in charge – someone who knows what they’re doing and can put out the flames before they get out of control.

This time, law enforcement would be about as surprised by right-wing violence as they would be by Florida Man doing something bizarre. They’ve seen this rodeo before, and they’re not likely to be caught with their tactical pants down again.

Moreover, let’s not forget that the American public’s appetite for political violence is about as strong as their desire for another season of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.” The January 6th committee hearings weren’t just riveting TV – they were a national wake-up call as to just how far these people are willing to go to seize power.

Act II: The Insurrection That Never Will Be

Fast forward to 2024, and the media are salivating over the prospect of Insurrection 2: Electric Boogaloo. But here’s the rub – they’re forgetting one crucial detail: we don’t have a Commander-in-Chaos anymore.

Pro-Trump protest: what were the reasons for the invasion of the Capitol? -  AS USA

In this hypothetical sequel nobody asked for, we’d likely see a response that’s less “Keystone Cops” and more “SEAL Team Six“:

    • 10:00 AM: Intelligence agencies do their job and alert a White House that does not ignore them.
    • 10:30 AM: President orders increased security – because that is what Presidents do.
    • 1:00 PM: At first sign of unrest the President addresses nation, using big words like “unacceptable” and “consequences.”
    • 1:10 PM: National Guard activated under 32 U.S.C. § 502(f) – faster than you can say “But her emails!” This is like calling in the Avengers instead of waiting for your neighbor’s kid to finish his paper route to come help quell the riot. 
    • 1:20 PM: Biden signs executive order invoking additional federal resources if needed. 
    • 1:20 PM: Harris coordinates with DOJ for swift prosecution of any violent actors. 
    • 1:30 PM: All over, no one got within 300 yards of the Capital – no permit to assemble was granted for the new location – end of story.  

Law enforcement coordination was another issue during the January 6th attack. There was a clear lack of communication and organization between various agencies, which only added to the chaos. Biden and Harris, on the other hand, would likely ensure better coordination, learning from the failures of 2021.

Twitter bans Trump, says plans for Jan ...Then there’s the matter of social media. Trump’s posts during and after the insurrection were seen as sympathetic to the rioters, ultimately leading to his suspension from multiple platforms. In contrast, Biden and Harris would likely use official channels consistently to condemn violence and support law enforcement (Trump insinuated “patriots” would be pardoned). It’s the difference between a responsible adult using social media and your drunk uncle (or whatever Trump is) ranting about conspiracy theories on your timeline.

The media’s breathless speculation about another insurrection is like worrying about lightning striking the same place twice – while standing in a rubber room. This comparison underscores how a sitting president’s actions (or inactions) can significantly impact the course of events. The January 6 insurrection was indeed a failure of leadership at the highest level, enabled by a president who prioritized personal grievances over national security and democratic principles. They’re forgetting that January 6th wasn’t just a failure of security; it was a failure of leadership so colossal it makes the Titanic look like a boating mishap.

Trump boards plane with paper stuck to his shoeThe idea that such an event could happen again under competent leadership is as laughable as expecting a coherent tweet from… well, you know who. It’s a testament to the resilience of American democracy that we survived four years of a president who treated the Constitution like the toilet paper that was stuck to his shoe (really – would NO ONE tell him?).

While the media fearmongers might be frothing at the mouth over the possibility of Insurrection: The Sequel, the reality is likely to be more “Gigli” (alas Benifer!) than “Godfather Part II.” The only storm that’s likely to be coming is a storm of indictments and federal charges.. America, for all its flaws, is not some banana republic where coups are as common as coffee breaks. We had one close call with wannabe authoritarianism, and like a teenager after their first hangover, we have learned our lesson!

The only storm that’s coming is a thunderous round of indictments, and the only thing that’ll be insurrecting is the collective eyebrow of the American public as they watch the legal system do its slow, tedious job.

While eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, panicking over every right-wing dog whistle is the price of cable news subscriptions. Let’s save our energy for the real battles – like explaining to our uncles why trickle-down economics doesn’t work and convincing the right wing of Congress that climate change isn’t just a liberal plot to sell more sunscreen.

Capitol Riots: Photos of the Aftermath of the Pro-Trump Riots at the U.S.  CapitolIn the grand tapestry of American history, January 6th will be remembered as a day when democracy bent but didn’t break. And if there’s one thing Americans love more than a dramatic crisis, it’s a dramatic comeback story.

In the immortal words of a great American philosopher: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself… and the comment section under political YouTube videos.”

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to invest in popcorn stocks. Something tells me the next election cycle is going to be quite the show.


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