For MAGA, the Line Between God and Trump Has Blurred
By Sarah Jones, Intelligencer, NY Mag
If you want to work for the Trump administration, you must first prove your loyalty to the president. “Those seeking jobs have been told they will have to prove their ‘enthusiasm’ to enact Trump’s agenda and have been asked when their moment of ‘MAGA revelation’ occurred,” the Associated Press reported on Saturday, sparking an obvious religious parallel. Any true believer — in God, in Trump, in aliens, or whatever else — clings to a moment of revelation, after which nothing is ever quite the same. Sometimes revelation is quiet, a matter of internal struggle and evolving belief. We can’t all be Saul of Tarsus, who spoke with God on the road to Damascus. Saul was a Pharisee, bent on the destruction of the Lord’s disciples, until the Lord Himself appeared to him in a heavenly light and questioned his activities. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads,” said the Voice, and Saul, trembling, became a believer, known as the apostle Paul.
For MAGA, the Line Between God and Donald Trump Has Blurred. pdf