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Friday, September 20, 2024

Badges? We Don’t Need No Stinkin Badges

Courtesy of Nattering Naybob.

Over at Philstockworld… High Finance for Real People – Fun and Profits… 

Phil – “No photo ID: 13% Black; 10% Hispanic; 5% White, 12% less than 25K; 15% 17-20; 11% 21-24

Jumpin Jesus this whole discussion about ID’s. WTF? We don’t need no stinkin badges….

Can’t afford to pay the government for a photo ID? round em up. And if they don’t have the local requirement to avoid vagrancy, round em up (3.5M homeless).  

In fact, if their on welfare (108M, more than are working) and have an ID, round em up. If they don’t have a job, to earn their keep, put the adult welfare cases and the unfortunate homeless to work building residences for those 3.5M homeless.

At least that way, the welfare money goes for something good on three counts, learning skills, valued added and permanent shelter. That way we can put the screws to the banks (mortgages) and the scumbag slumlords, who live off the welfare money and HUD with one stone. 

For every $10K I spend on this program, which feeds, clothes and houses a homeless person for one year,  I get back $20K in savings and countless future benefits from teaching somebody how to catch their own fish. Yes, 100% return, no shit, see the stats and math here.  Why are we not doing this? 

Never could understand rather than paying someone to learn a skill, and contribute to society, the system pays them to sit around and do nothing? Worse yet, you forget and abandon them, like some like a toy on the island of misfit toys?  No comment on that dysfunctional and idiotic logic.

Oh and hey Captain America, while we are at it,  if you overstay your 90 day tourist visa in the Schengen zone, they will let you know the next time you attempt to leave, warning, fine, and possible extended or permanent exile. And if you don’t plan on leaving, even if you have independent means and fly under the radar, they will eventually catch up with you. 

That said, the illegals, that should not be here in the first place because they did not go through the proper processes, and don’t have a green card or proper ID, deport em all, let their government sort it out later.

That way those pimply faced underage and millennials staying a home with mom and dad, drinking pounders on the porch, without an ID, can take those McJobs, paper routes and flip burgers, just like the old days. 

And if they want to, let em swing a hammer, hack with a sawzall and pour mud at the new “habitat for humanity” project, building homes for the homeless. While their at it, those utes can work off the fine we levied on their lazy ass parents for letting them run wild without proper ID.   

In all cases above, these ID-less urchins will earn enough to pay for their guvmint ID and the mandatory chip implant for being caught without one.  ID and voter problem solved and we’re showing em just a little sympathy, right?

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